I’ll be at the BSFA meeting in London. Tomorrow!

Hey all you folks coming in for World Fantasy. You know you want to go to the British Science Fiction Association meeting, right? I’ll be there being interviewed by Virginia Preston. HISTORIAN. The fact that she’s a historian and I write historical fantasy puts no pressure on me at all. None.  I’m totally not at all nervous about having all the anachronisms pointed out.

The event is free. It’s in a pub. What’s not to love about this plan?

The interview starts at 7pm, but they have the room starting at 6pm so you can get there early and have a drink. Hm… drinking before interview or after? During. That will make things go better.

Location: Upstairs, The Artillery Arms, 102 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8ND

Full details at the BSFA website.

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