I am running for SFWA secretary, now with banner!

Mary Robinette Kowal for SFWA secretary

For those of you just tuning in, here’s a link to my platform. Please feel free to ask me questions here or there.

The code for the banner, should you be willing to pass it around is:
<a href="https://maryrobinettekowal.com/journal/i-am-running-for-sfwa-secretary/"><img src="https://maryrobinettekowal.com/MRKforSecretary.gif" alt="Mary Robinette Kowal for SFWA secretary" /></a>

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7 thoughts on “I am running for SFWA secretary, now with banner!”

  1. I’d vote for you! (If I were actually in SWFA)

    I am going to put your banner up on my site as well, although I don’t know how influential it will actually be, but oh well! 🙂

    Good luck.

  2. I can’t believe I did it three times in one day — I did SWFA instead of SFWA. I fixed it on my blog, but continue to look like a moron here. My apologies for getting it wrong. Must edit myself a little better in the future.

    I will wish you good skill in becoming secretary of SFWA because frankly, I don’t believe in luck. 🙂

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