Hringur bear visits the hospital

We took Hringur to visit the children at the hospital for the first time.

As far as the kids were concerned, it was a successful visit. Unfortunately the fogging was still happening. Aðalbjörk, the actress inside, said she couldn’t see anything after about five minutes. That’s no good.

But. I had them over today, and we think we’ve found a solution. More on that later. Meanwhile, if you want to watch the raw footage of the entire twenty minute visit, it’s here.

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5 thoughts on “Hringur bear visits the hospital”

  1. Thank you! Aðalbjörk, the actress in the bear, is doing a lovely job. I’ve also seen Josa work him as well, and she also makes him adorable.

    Hringur was on the front page of Morgunblaðið, (the morning paper) today.

  2. You did a good job of hiding the entrance. (besides all of the cuteness stuff) Do you have a picture of Hringur with the jacket?

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