How many people have your name?

I noticed this on Oliver’s blog and it amused me.
Logo There are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

If I use my maiden name, there are 3007 people. According to this site, there are 3,956,182 people in the U.S. with the first name Mary and it is the 5th most popular first name. Which is interesting because I very rarely meet other Marys.

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10 thoughts on “How many people have your name?”

  1. Only 2 Sam Mowrys. There are no Cynthia McGeans or Atticus Mowrys so I find the numbers a bit inaccurate. That is of course because I know one of each. These kind of things are very weird to me. They are all over the internet and must require some deal of effort to create, but why. It would be impossible to do before the internet was popularized. Thanks for the link.

  2. I too, am evidently living a lie- zero Celsis living in the US. I do exist in my maiden form, but once I was married, I’m afraid it was all over…

  3. I just read their FAQ and the section on accuracy is fairly amusing.

    It also says:

    Q: Why isn’t my name on the list?
    The list of names from the census bureau isn’t complete. For privacy reasons, names with relatively few responses were not included in the list. We used this data to create this site. Our site can only be as good as the data we have to work with.

    * Around 1 out of every 10 people will have a last name not on the list.
    * Around 1 out of every 10 people will have a first name not on the list.

    Using the same statistical fallacy this site is known for, that means about 81% of people will have both names on the list. In a mathamatical coup our scientists have determined from this information that about 19% of people will have either one or both names missing from the list.

  4. The census people are convinced that no one has even my first name – I knew that catholicism was on the decline, but come on!

  5. True, true. I’m also 5’11, sarcastic, often facetious, certainly cynical, a former Marine, and once ate octopus while living in Japan (and liked it, both Japan and the octopus). Nevertheless, none of those things makes any difference in that the site won’t load on my computer.

    (I am also aware that you presently live in Iceland, Madam Kowal.)


  6. I think you may have helped killed the site, Mary. It’s dead now. O yea, dead and buried; extinct; popped its clogs and, the gods willing, may it rejoiceth in the next life with Steve Irwin (also dead, and I loved Steve by the way, but you have to admit there is rather morbid irony in a croc hunter getting killed by a stingray, and thus the same irony applies to the poor, poor web site, which barely dipped its little feet into the digital sea filled with curious and clearly deadly surfers…)

    Oh, the site dude claims his site will be resurrected–someday–but I doubt it.

    Let us have a moment of thought and introspection for

    And no, I never got to use the site. I’m gutted.

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