Home is where the art is: A parlour reading at your house.

Without a Summer final“There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.”

Emma, Jane Austen

One of the things I love about the Regency era is the amount of entertaining people did at home. Balls, music, and parlour readings. This fall, I want to give that a try and go tour to parlours or living rooms, or back patio. The idea is to do art in the home.

So what will the event be? As a foundation, you’ll have me reading from my book — in costume, if you’d like —  and a tiny little puppet show. If your guests are interested, we might dance or just chat. Maybe one of your guests plays the piano? Perhaps we’ll play a parlour game or learn to write with a quill. The exact way the event unfolds will vary from home to home.

The point is to spend some time in convivial society. As Jane Austen wrote, “My idea of good company is the company of clever, well-informed people who have a great deal of conversation; that is what I call good company.” You have brilliant friends, right? I want to meet them.

If you are interested in gathering your friends for a little soirée in your own home, head over to my Togather page or email [email protected] to propose an event. The folks at Togather will help sort out the details and assist you in planning an engaging event. Hosts will receive a signed manuscript of my next book.

Even if you aren’t interested in hosting, please click the ‘follow’ button to show interest in attending an event in your area.


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10 thoughts on “Home is where the art is: A parlour reading at your house.”

  1. I adore this idea. I can’t host (small kids, multiple pets, reclusive husband) but I would definitely attend an event like this. And bring baked goods. Homemade, even. 🙂

  2. Ferrett and I would love to host you in the Cleveland area, if we can work something out. Are you coming to Confusion this year?

  3. If you are ever out in Oregon my wife and I would love to host. It is such a great idea and a wonderful way to share creativity and art without the limitations to interaction that larger events can have.

  4. Any chance you want to come to DC? I have this living room, you see. And the world’s ugliest couch. Truly it’s on one the District’s great and terrible wonders.

  5. Oh, this sounds brilliant! Sadly, kids and small space make it impossible for us to host at this point in our life, but we would definitely attend one in the SF Bay Area. If we ever move to a more appropriate space, I would love to host salons and parlour readings!

  6. I have boosted the signal to a friend who I know has planned and attended similar events to see if she would be interested or knows someone who would be. She lives in Homewood, IL

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