Heading for NYC

We are all packed and will be on the way in about half an hour. I’ll drop you a line when we get back to the apartment.

While I’m in transit, why don’t you tell me what your top three favorite gifts were this year.

I’ll start:

  1. Soup spoons in our silver pattern
  2. A Ryobi cordless trim saw
  3. Victorian pantaloons

I hope your Christmas was as merry as ours.

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7 thoughts on “Heading for NYC”

  1. You know, other than my mother’s gift of a half-dozen dessert wines (only one of which we’ve sampled so far, as we drink very rarely), I don’t think I got any gifts this year.

    Well, Josh and I took each other shopping for toys, but I dunno if that counts; the seasonal timing was just coincidence.

  2. 1. One of a kind gnarled sweetgum cane with Clydesdale bridle tip handle
    2. Handmade quilt by a friend’s mother
    3. New crockpot


  3. 1. Half of a new digital camera (I gave David the other half, and we share)
    2. 1940’s etiquette book for teens
    3. Hearing Rebecca exclaim “oh boy!!” as she opened a gift

  4. The first two are easy this year as I was spoiled. A new laptop and a wireless router so that I can use it anyplace in the house. Number three is a box of Panda Licorice. I got addicted to Licorice when I was in the Netherlands.

  5. 1.) My little sister and brand new brother-in-law, who showed up on my front doorstep singing the Chipmunks’ Christmas Song
    2.) My beautiful, newly decorated bedroom – every time I walk in there it feels like that scene from “The Little Princess”
    3.) The Black Piet hat my father got in Holland and wore when he was handing out our presents Christmas morning

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