Having my hair done

Sculptural hairI’ll admit that this post exists largely because my new toy let’s me blog while at the salon. [1. This bit is just a note to myself for next time, because I am daft with names. Rick did my haircut and Larry did the color.] I promise not to do it often, since it’s largely content free. But it does come with a funny picture of me. Just in case you weren’t aware that I am not a natural red-head, this would be a sort of dead give-away. But look how amazingly sculptural and SF my hair is right now! And I have a glowing antennae coming out of my head.

Curls galoreHere I am back in my disguise as a mild-mannered writer. Clearly I’m not a puppeteer in this shot, because my hair looks nice. When I’m working, it tends to be shoved under a cap and sweaty, so, you know, this is not so glamorous.

Mary Robinette Harrison and Stephen Kennedy HarrisonOh and just for contrast. Here’s me and my little brother when we were, what, five and two respectively. You’ll notice that my hair used to be extremely blond. It darkened to a fairly nondescript brown by the time I hit college, but would redden in the summer. I figure, with the freckles and the temper, I deserved the red hair.

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2 thoughts on “Having my hair done”

  1. Great pictures- now that I’ve finally come to terms with being grey (this week), it’s nice not to have to go the colouring route any more. I’m not that patient, so sitting around for half an hour while people fuss with my hair is definitely not one of my favourite things. I’m another baby blonde who went brown, and then I stayed red for about 20 years- for some reason red always gave me a lift. Now I just pretend that grey makes me look wise.

    1. I am waiting to have enough grey in my hair to be visible. I think a head of gray or white hair is absolutely one of the most beautiful things. When I get my hair colored, I ask for semi-permanent because it tends to not cover the gray.

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