Harriet is a wee bit odd

We have made the odd discovery that if you pet Harriet in 2/4 time, she’s happy. I mean, you can really pound on her and she just presses into your hand.  5/8 time is right out and results in being bitten no matter how gentle you are.

She gets this pained look anytime Rob has Coltrain on the stereo. Her ears flatten. Occasionally she will cry plaintively.

This is not a jazz cat.

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    5 thoughts on “Harriet is a wee bit odd”

    1. I just tried this on Simba, who volunteered by taking a nap within arm’s reach. No response at all to either rhythm. Courage the dog, however, became alarmed when I was patting him in 2/4 rhythm and had to rush over to see if he was ok. Fun with pets!

    2. My ex-roommate’s cat used to try and claw my face off when I sang Beethoven’s 9th. I don’t recall that any other piece of music ever caused that reaction, but Ode to Joy did it every time.

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