Happy Fourth of July.

I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July. Rob and I celebrated by going for a walk in Riverside Park. The weather was nearly perfect. We chose not to fight the crowds to see the fireworks and now, at 1:20 am we are still able to listen to them as various neighbors continue to blow things up.

No, no. Don’t mind us. We were awake anyway.

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7 thoughts on “Happy Fourth of July.”

  1. Dear me…did you miss the NPR broadcast
    of Prairie Home Companion this evening
    from Lake Woebegon? It was Garrison
    Keillor’s 35th anniversary celebration of
    his live radio show broadcast from Avon, MN
    population 12,042…including Rob’s
    1 neice & 3 nephews.

  2. Shame, shame. Population of
    Avon, Mn. is 1,242..not 12,042
    Oh…no good w/numbers.
    Did I get that right, I hope!

    1. I’m not sure when the modern calendar came in to use, but surely there have been well over 1000 July 4ths.

  3. As it happens, I was on Riverside Drive tonight myself, but it was explicitly to watch the fireworks.

    I visited Ellen Kushner and Delia Sherman and joined them on their building’s rooftop. The impact was somewhat reduced by distance (the northernmost launcher barge was around 50th Street and their place is at 98th), but it was a lovely night, the Hudson looked great, and being able to see the fireworks without being stuck in a crowd was great.

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