Happy Birthday, Mom!

From Grandma’s 104th Birthday

One of the side benefits to Mom’s disagreement with gravity is that it means I get to be in Tennessee for all of these birthdays. If you haven’t met her, allow me to assure you that my mom is fantastic. If you have met her, then you know exactly what I mean.

She’s an arts administrator and has always made sure that our lives were filled with all of the arts. The fact that I’m a writer and a puppeteer is directly attributable to the fact that Mom and Dad saw nothing odd about a career in the arts.

I hope your birthday is a happy one!

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5 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Mom!”

  1. That photo is SO CUTE!
    Thanks for sharing.
    3 cheers and Happy Birthday
    wishes once again for all three
    Chattanooga belles.

  2. So you, your Mom and your Grandma have birthdays within one week of each other?
    That is so cool.

    Happy birthday to all!

    And by the way; let’s just let other people argue with gravity from now on.
    Gravity has always won every argument that I’ve had with him and he doesn’t play fair…

    Jeff S. 8^D

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