Happy Birthday, Grandma!

I think it is extremely unlikely that Grandma will read this, as she doesn’t have a computer at her house, but I’m so proud of her that I like to brag. What might I brag about, you ask? She is 102 years old today, and still lives by herself. She’s still sharp and fun to talk to and can thread a needle. I kid you not.

Makes me proud.

Grandma also makes me realize that I’d better have a darn good retirement plan if I’ve inherited her genes. I’m going to be around for a loooooong time.

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7 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Grandma!”

  1. Channel 3 came out and did a short piece which they ran on the 11:00 news last night. (The party was yesterday although her birthday is today) The anchor said that he needed to see her drivers licence to believe that she was over 70. Truly, if she told you that she was 80 you would believe her (if you didn’t know her and that she wouldn’t lie to you.)

  2. Yes, I did tape it, but I have no idea of how to convert the clip into a form to put on the Internet.

  3. Oh, I would love to see the clip too! A happy birthday to Grandma. How blessed she is to have such a loving family surrounding her and giving her so much to keep living for

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