Hannah and the Hollow Challah, set design

One of the projects I’m working on is the set design for a new play called “Hannah and the Hollow Challah.” It takes place in Hannah’s home and then she is whisked off to Breadland by the opera singing Hollow Challah. Once there, she encounters a bajillion characters and goes to a half-dozen scenic locations.

My challenges:

  • Two performers. No stage hands
  • A stage with no wings, flyspace or backstage
  • Must tour using the subway
  • $500 budget, for materials and labor
  • No more than twenty minute to setup

I asked for volunteer labor, and have been promised a carpenter and a seamstress, which eases the budget constraints considerably.

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3 thoughts on “Hannah and the Hollow Challah, set design”

  1. Honey,Is this the Hallowed Hollow Challah? Honestly, you’ll be honing your skills on this to be sure! Please keep us posted.

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