Gothic Romance Titles

In my current work in progress, set in Regency England, there are several references to gothic romances. Some of the titles I’m using are real, some are made up. I’m curious to know if you can tell the difference, and no fair googling to find out.

  1. Sidonia the Sorceress: The Supposed Destroyer of the Whole Reigning Ducal House of Pomerania
  2. Udolfo
  3. The Misery of Lady Simpich
  4. The Harrowing of Amanda Hillock
  5. The Italian
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3 thoughts on “Gothic Romance Titles”

  1. Well, you didn’t say how many of each type were included, so I’m guessing half and half. My best guess is-
    #1 authentic
    #3 a Lady Kowal original
    #4 original as well

  2. Hee! Awesome.

    1. Made up, only because I don’t recall hearing about a sequel/prequel to The Mysteries of Udolfo.
    2. Authentic; “Simpich” sounds like such a Regency novel-name!
    3. Made up.
    4. Authentic; it’s so generically sinister I’m sure SOMEONE must’ve written a gothic novel called that (if only as a prequel to The Woman in White.

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