Goodbye Harriet.

We had to say goodbye to our cat Harriet today. She was fine last week, but then lethargic over the weekend and when we took her in to the vet…  The decline was very fast. Rob and I spent last night cuddling with her. She was such a lap cat, that it was easy to think that things were normal. She even purred. But when she tried to stand, the wavering and motor issues made it clear that keeping her was selfish. So… one last night and we took her in this morning.

I’m driving to Tennessee today, and had put it off while we were figuring out what was happening. Harriet is going on one last car trip (sorry, lady, I know you hated those) and will have a spot in the sun at my parents.

Here is Harriet playing with string.


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39 thoughts on “Goodbye Harriet.”

  1. I’m so sorry for your loss. My thoughts will be with you and Rob as I cuddle with my furry loved ones.

  2. I loved her way of calmly asserting that you would love her, no matter what you thought about it. You possessed a lap and she was the queen of all who had one. My heart hurts for your loss.

  3. My thoughts are with you and Rob and Marlowe during this difficult time. I’m so sorry for your loss.

  4. I’m so sorry, sweetie. She was a lovely, purry friend and so very elegant. Big hugs to you and Rob.

  5. I am so sorry for your loss, Mary. I lost my eldest a few months ago, and the pain was so difficult to bear. Cats are an author’s first and best fan; they curl up with us on those late nights as we create our stories, giving us purrs, cuddles, and love… the best kinds of creative encouragement. My thoughts and sympathies are with you today.

  6. So sorry. Hugs to you and Rob, and many head skritches to Marlowe, who must be baffled and lost without her.

    1. No, that was Maggie. She passed away about a month before we moved away from NYC. We got Harriet from the shelter after we moved back to Portland. She was six when we got her and just shy of 11 years old.

  7. So sorry for your loss. The fur people I’ve loved have been special and irreplaceable. I enjoyed seeing a snippet of her personality in the Fishing for Kitties vid.

  8. Dear Mary,

    I am heartbroken for you and Rob. It is very befitting that Harriet will rest at Woodthrush Woods.

    Love, Cousin Susan

    1. You will have appreciate this as delightfully typical… Dad suggested out under a holly would be a good spot to bury her because part of the tree had fallen over, so there was already a hole that we could use. Then he made the hole exactly the size and shape of the shoe box I carried her down in.

  9. I’m very sorry for you both. I have had six cats in 25 years who have gotten old relatively gracefully, only to rapidly go in just days. It seems to be the way of cats. Doesn’t make it easier.

    Dr. Phil

  10. Poor baby. I’m so sorry you had to make that choice. I’m sure it was the right one.

    I had to make that decision for Hercules last month. He was in kidney failure, and I opted not to bring him home for one last snuggle. I wouldn’t have been strong enough to take him back, and he was pretty far gone.

    This is my tribute post to him. There’s a video linked in it of him giving me high fives on command.

  11. Farewell to the lovely green-eyed lady. She had a delightful life with you, just enough adventure, with a plethora of sunny napping spots along the way, and a quick and compassionate end. Much love to you, Rob, and Marlowe.

  12. Mary Alice Kropp

    So very sorry about Harriet. I’ve been there too many times. It’s never easy, but when it’s the best decision, you know it. Sending warm, purr-y thoughts from me and my kitties.

  13. So sorry to hear of your loss, Mary. We’ve been through this as well — two cats and a dog — and it never gets any easier. You and Rob are in our thoughts.

  14. I’m so sorry, Mary. I fully understand losing a furbaby. ? I can only hope my foster kitty finds a place to be loved as much as Harriet was.

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