Going offline today

Today around noon, we’re turning off the internet.  Gasp. I know.

We have to return the box to the cable company and the only way to do that is either in person or by having a technician turn up and unplug it.  I mean…really?  There’s not a way to just mail it in?  I guess I should be thankful that I have the option of dropping it off.

Anyway, the plan is to drop it off, pick up the truck and come home.  We’ll finish packing the kitchen and the bathroom tonight and then on Thursday, well, Thursday we load the truck.  By we, I mean Rob and me and a passel of friends.  It’s supposed to be cool tomorrow.

Friday morning, we head out on our grand cross-country adventure.  I’ll be tweeting and updating the blog from the road thanks to my handy phone.

But my big focus when I’m not driving is to finish the novel.  I’m in good shape to have the first draft wrapped by the time we roll into Portland.

So, that’s what I’ll be doing this week. How about you?

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7 thoughts on “Going offline today”

  1. Just continuing to host the scientists in my house this week, myself. They’re mycologists and one is a friend of many years…they’re Ph.D students up at Clark but my friend sold the faculty on them coming down here to do some work on Florida’s many fungi. All three seem to be having a good time, and I derive no end of amusement from a young Greek guy diving under my couch to try and coax my neurotic cat into loving him. 😀

  2. I’ve just got a hectic week at Big Happy Fun Time, and preparing for the webcomic’s return on Labor Day.

    Here’s wishing you a safe journey without Vexing Truck Mishaps! See you when you’re back in Portland!

  3. I’m critiquing a software manual for a 3D application before it goes to the printers.

    Very much hope that all goes well in the move for you. I suspect that you’ll hardly feel the lack of internet with all the work.

    A novel that gets finished on the road! Very cool.

  4. The week is normal work, dinner, etc. but the weekend! Saturday is a huge annual party friends in a rural area give, including our first time seeing the host since his return from Iraq (yay!) a few weeks ago. Sunday we’re going to the Oregon State Fair (scones! 4-H projects!).

  5. Have a fun and safe move!

    I’m working this week then have my niece’s wedding to go to this weekend. It makes me feel a little old to see my niece getting married, until I remember her dad is 16 years older than me. 🙂

  6. I’ve got several days off in a row! So some of it will be boring but needed stuff like car inspection and laundry… some of it will be fun stuff… and I’ve set myself a secret writing challenge.

    Aaaand if you need unloading help when you get to Portland, I know a girl who likes to help people move. 😀

  7. Mary, Best of luck for a smooth move. Having done this drive like, uh… eight times I’m both envious and glad to be staying at home. It’s awful nice seeing the Rockies emerge from over the horizon, though…

    Drive safe.

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