Giant Block of Foam meets Easter Island

wpid-1245676397678.jpgRob seems to be recovering from surgery nicely. It was less intensive this time because the surgeon was only fixing the carpal tunnel while last time he also worked on tendinitis in two of Rob’s fingers.

Last time I told him that I’d modify his Giant Block of Foam and lo. Behold.

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22 thoughts on “Giant Block of Foam meets Easter Island”

  1. “Oh please! I hardly ever get to say it… Ahem… GO BACK! For the path you are on will lead you to your certain DOOM! …Thank you very much.”

    How hard would it be to hide a little recording of *that* in the GBoF ?

  2. This could be a side business, Mary. You could hand out cards to the folks going in for surgery: “Custom-made GBoFs, designed to suit your personality. Amaze your friends…”

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