Fourth Year blogging

I was actually online before there were blogging platforms, but I started my blogger account four years ago today.  That’s right kiddies, I remember when I had to hard-code HTML both ways, uphill in the snow.  Not like you young whipper-snappers today with your fancy CMS and CSS and LJ and all the other new-fangled acronyms.

My first post also includes this:

I’m also terribly excited because the day before the Iceland call, I got an email from The First Line ((Just because I’m very fond of them and want to see the magazine do well, I’ll remind you that “The Shocking Affair of the Dutch Steamship Friesland,” wound up in their Best of anthology this year. You can also listen to me read it if you prefer your fiction in audio format. )) telling me that they want to publish my short story “The Shocking Affair of the Dutch Steamship Friesland.” This is my second short story sale, and I’m starting to feel like a real writer.

Funny thing, that.

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19 thoughts on “Fourth Year blogging”

  1. You were barefoot in that snow too, right? 🙂 Congrats on the four years.

    I’m certainly not young, but I am new to the blogging game. I’m not sure how well I would do without the much easier to use interfaces that are out there now. I’d like to learn HTML…maybe some day. I did take FORTRAN in college, does that count for anything?

  2. Hi Mary,

    Congrats on four years. John Scalzi just mentioned you’re celebrating the anniversary today and put up a pointer to here, so I came over to congratulate you. Congratulations also on the Hugo award!


  3. Happy-Happy Blogiversary, and many joyful returns of the day, via Scalzi. Should one mention the tiara is most becoming?

  4. I started blogging on Xanga about five years ago. Back then having Xanga or LiveJournal seems to be the way of adding friends and staying connected, because there was no such thing as facebook yet! Nope, not even friendster. After all these social networking sites caught on, many disappeared from Xanga though…

      1. Well, back then, a bunch of my friends were using Xanga, so I did too… More of a how many people I can link to and comment on sort of consideration, since back then Xanga users can only comment on Xangas and LJ users can only comment on LJ. It’s not uncommon for people to own accounts on several different blog platforms and then crosspost the same thing each day.

        Their interface is alright. Of course, the interface had changed a few times by now… My blog is now running on WP too. Recently I upgraded from 2.1 to 2.6 and the interface had changed too. I think I actually liked the old one better. I still write on my old Xanga every now and then…

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