I recently discovered that WordPress has a Facebook cross-post plugin, which makes Facebook automatically less painful that MySpace. I’m giving it a try. So this post here? It’s nothing but fluff to see how the cross-posting works.
Um… here, go watch a trailer while I play with my toy.
am reading this from Facebook, so it seems to work fine.
Did you comment from Facebook too, or come over here for that?
Facebook seems to link back here… in moderation, Facebook is great. Kiss your lunchbreaks goodbye, though!
Scrabulous is the main reason I check into Facebook regularly. Yummy little letters…
Oh… just what I need. Another time sink.
Haha. I know the feeling!
I was on Facebook, but it brought me here.
I’ve always thought shoving rusty staples into your eyeballs was less painful than mySpace. But maybe that’s just me.