Exclusive Excerpt: Mary Robinette Kowal’s Glamour In Glass | RT Book Reviews

Want to read Chapter 2 of Glamour in Glass? You don’t have to wait until it releases next week. RT Reviews has the entire chapter on their website.

Mary Robinette Kowal blew us away with her 2010 debut, Shades of Milk and Honeya Regency-set fantasy that won our August 2010 Seal of Excellence Award. Ever since, we’ve been waiting patiently for the sequel,Glamour in GlassThankfully, the series second releases next week. In celebration, we’re offering chapter two of Glamour in Glass as a free download.

Kowal’s work is most frequently referred to as “Jane Austen with magic” as the new author has skillfully woven magical elements into the era of Regency-era England, where people work glamours or small illusions on a daily basis. The series first follows Jane as she hones her skill and finds her happily-ever-after with the handsome glamour expert, Vincent. The sequel picks up as Jane and Vincent embark on their honeymoon and their relationship faces new challenges. You can learn more about the series in this video interview with the author, or dive into the extended excerpt of chapter two!

Go read it at Exclusive Excerpt: Mary Robinette Kowal’s Glamour In Glass | RT Book Reviews.

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