Escape Pod EP169: How I Mounted Goldie, Saved My Partner Lori, and Sniffed Out The People’s Justice

I’m pulling an all-nighter and listening to EscapePod, as is my wont, and I have to point you towardHow I Mounted Goldie, Saved My Partner Lori, and Sniffed Out The People’s Justice by Jonathon Sullivan. This story and the reading by Stephen Eley and Jennifer Bowie totally rocks. Go have fun.

Q: What happened when you arrived at the address in question?

A: My Partner Lori opened my door and I jumped out. I arrested a suspect!

Q: Yes, Officer Bull. But I would like you to tell me exactly what happened, in detail, from the time you got out of the car.

A: Okay. My skulltop showed me which house, and I ran toward it. A man and three dogs ran out the door. One of them was a bitch with pretty haunches. She was in heat, and I really really really liked the way she smelled. I wanted to run after her, but I knew I should go after the man. So I did. Even though I liked the way she smelled!

Of course, I might have just liked it because dogs are on my mind right now.

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5 thoughts on “Escape Pod EP169: How I Mounted Goldie, Saved My Partner Lori, and Sniffed Out The People’s Justice”

  1. That story is amazing! I actually listened to it while walking my dog and the author nailed the tone and speech of a dog. You know, if they could talk.

    Escape Pod needs some Mary Robinette Kowal on it. Stat!

    1. Agreed. And Chang, you might like to know that we’ve _just_ made an offer on a Mary Robinette Kowal story. You actually helped — seeing this blog post and your comment kicked my awareness up a notch and make me look ahead in my (still too far behind) submissions pile. The story she sent us was beautiful, and I certainly would’ve bought it eventually, but you made it happen faster.

      That’s online life for ya. Hope you love it as much as I do.

        1. Hey! YEAH! I’m so glad I tripped the sensors and got the story in! As Bull would say, “I LIKE THAT!!!”

          Steve, I have to say I want to make a sound clip of you saying that. It’s come up on numerous occasions where something merits me saying “I LIKE THAT!” just like Bull and no one else gets it. Oh, geektiude.

          Again, glad everyone got what they wanted and more here! Hooray for MRK!

  2. That was a fun story! I can picture my dog talking exactly the same way. I wish he had a skull cap; at least he would listen, and fight crime. Thanks for the tip, now I have a new sight to bookmark.

    And congrats on the sale!

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