Eric Wright + puppet workshop = fun

This has been a fun week. Among other things, Eric Wright was in town.  Eric is one of the founders of The Puppet Kitchen in NYC and a dear friend. While he was here, he taught a puppet workshop at the Cast Iron Carousel.

The workshop was on making these tiny little hand puppets which are great for travel or just to have around. The Pup-It workshop was two-hours long and everyone made ridiculously cute puppets. RIDICULOUS.  The Puppet Kitchen teaches workshops in NYC, so allow me to recommend them.

It’s been ages since I made a puppet just for fun and this was a nice break. I also learned some new tricks, which is always nice.

While I wish he’d been in town longer, I did manage to get Eric to Powell’s City of Books and Voodoo Donuts.

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8 thoughts on “Eric Wright + puppet workshop = fun”

  1. Hi MarY I’m Chad I’m a puppeteer too and i love it a whole lot i don’t make puppets,but i love peforming with them i like lip syincing songs and do some stories and i like working at our library with them i just wanted to say cute puppet does he or she have a name yet? well Keep up the great work mary Bye Chad

  2. I know a lady dentist who volunteers her services in remote Pacific Islands once each year
    for indigenous children. Besides doing all sorts of difficult dentistry, she gives lessons
    to the children about dental hygiene, using a hand puppet to demonstrate those nasty ‘germs’
    which cause decay. YOUR latest ‘confection’ would be a marvelous addition to her ‘show’.

  3. For some reason that it strikes me as the friendliest of green puppets. Not that I have an extensive knowledge of green puppets, but I still feel pretty comfortable with my observation.

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