Dr Who: Destination Prague

Dr. Who: Destination Prague Look! The Dr. Who anthology that I’m in, Destination Prague, came out today. Oh my goodness. I’m such a geek, because you know, Dr. Who! I think that my early watching of Tom Baker’s Dr. Who really marked the beginning of my geekhood. (Dad? Care to comment?)

It is especially apropos that Destination Prague comes out today because my story, “Strings of Love” has a puppeteer in it. That’s right, you can celebrate World Puppetry Day by picking up a copy of a Dr. Who anthology. It’s all sorts of wacky goodness.

Here’s a teaser.

The Doctor adjusted the celery in his lapel and stepped out of the TARDIS onto Kampa Island, nestled under the Charles Bridge. He inhaled with appreciation. “Ah, Prague.”

The setting sun cast long shadows through the stone pilings of the bridge, which rose from the Vltava River like the battlements of a Gothic castle.

A scream fell from above.

Both hearts pounding, the Doctor spun as a man hurtled over the edge of the bridge. Limbs flailing, the man landed on the island with a bone-cracking thud.

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