Dr. Who contributor copies!

Doctor Who: Destination Prague Woot! Look what I got in the mail. My story “Suspension and Disbelief” is in Destination Prague and one of the only two stories I’ve written with a puppeteer as a character. It normally seems like such a dull job, but it made sense here.

Hey! Until recently, almost everyone I knew was a puppeteer. Now there are all these writers running around in my social circles. Wacky.

Anyway, as you can see by the fact that I have a police box bank on my desk, I’ve been a long-time fan of the good Doctor, so having my story in this book — which is also my first hardcover — makes me go all kinds of fangirl goofy.

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7 thoughts on “Dr. Who contributor copies!”

  1. Awe Rite!!! Published in hardback already. Way to go! I hope all of your high school friends that you drove crazy by playing the Dr. Who theme over and over get to see this.

  2. Thanks!

    RF: I have no idea. Actually, that’s not true. I met Steven Savile through Codex and when he got tagged to edit this, I begged for an invite. He liked the story idea I submitted and away we went.

    Rick: What kind of portable?

    -d-: I sent it to one of them. I should send copies to the others of the old gang. And, um, you…

    Matt: Of course it holds more money inside.

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