Diamonds in the Sky Released – Free fiction

Mike Brotherton, who taught the Launchpad Workshop, had a brilliant idea. A lot of people get their ideas about science from fiction, but the problem is that much of the science in fiction is really bad — like that whole exploding in vacuum thing. So he decided to put together an online anthology of science fiction specifically to use in conjunction with teaching astronomy.   Diamonds in the Sky went live today.

Here’s his announcement.

The anthology is free and you can go there now and read the stories, most of which are original but a few of which are reprints from Analog or Asimov’s. Contributors include Hugo and Nebula award winning authors. Each story focuses on one or two key ideas from astronomy and should have some educational value, but are hopefully first and foremost simply entertaining and good quality stories. The project was funded by the National Science Foundation as a public education and outreach effort, and I’d like to reach as many readers as possible so please spread the word!

My story, Jaiden’s Weaver, takes a look at life on a world with planetary rings.

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6 thoughts on “Diamonds in the Sky Released – Free fiction”

  1. Cool and timely. My two older kids are probably going to study astronomy later this year or next. I’ve added the site to my school favorites!


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