In DC and posted chapter 2 of GHOST TALKERS


I have safely arrived in Washington DC where I will be the Toastmaster for the 40th World Fantasy Awards. I took the train because I could. It is, by far, my favorite way to travel and I get SO much work done en route. (Yes, I know about the Amtrak residency and yes I applied.) I wrote 5177 words on the way here.

Which means… I finished a chapter and thus get to post something for those of you reading along. So, if you’re reading GHOST TALKERS, Chapter two is up. Same password as the first chapter.

It’s actually weirdly fortuitous, because the theme of WFC this year is WWI and Ghost Talkers is set during the Battle of the Somme. I brought a bunch of reference books with me. On a panel this weekend? Ask me. I probably have a book you want to look at.

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3 thoughts on “In DC and posted chapter 2 of GHOST TALKERS”

  1. Amtrak residency sounds amazing . . .

    . . . but there’s always a catch:

    “Semi-finalists were chosen based on the following criteria: the quality and completeness of their application package, as well as the extensiveness of their social community and ability to reach online audiences with content.”

    There it is again! . . . the “social” aspect of getting a writing gig. I’m screwed!

    Anyway, they just chose 24 writers out of more than 16,000 applicants. Were you in this year’s applicants group, or did you apply for the next batch of 24?

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