Compliments from a winemaker

When one’s husband is a winemaker, one sometimes receives compliments in the following manner.

Rob: It’s maturity. The tannins are falling out.
Me: As long as I don’t become flabby. ((This is an actual wine term))
Rob: No, I think you still have structure.

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4 thoughts on “Compliments from a winemaker”

  1. If I was told the tannins are falling out I’d schedule an appointment with my doctor. Winemaking seems like hard work, but I’m sure it’s very rewarding as well.

    1. It means that I’m not as rough and coarse on the palate as I once was.

      When he was at the winery full-time, Rob had an extremely nice structure, with a firm body, though perhaps a bit inelegant on the nose and tired at the finish.

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