Chapter 30 is up, for those reading along

I only wrote 113 new words today but that also finished a chapter. The tricky thing, when I hit a scene that was in the original novella, is that I can’t just plunk it into the new text. I have to cut stuff and add stuff to make it fit the new flow.

So though I usually aim for 2000 words a day, I’m not fretting on days when I get nowhere near that as long as my forward progress is still good.

And now…Chapter 30.

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3 thoughts on “Chapter 30 is up, for those reading along”

  1. My husband is reading along and seems to really be enjoying it. I read the chapters that were posted in the clear and am very intrigued. I’m so tempted to bug him for the password and read along too, but I know that I won’t have time to make comments and that you’re probably not looking for new readers anyway!

    1. Actually, I like having readers go through in waves since I make changes to earlier chapters based on responses. And the comments don’t need to be particularly complicated. Sometimes even, “Still reading!” is useful.

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