Chapter 3 of the Without a Summer draft is posted

I try to stay two chapters ahead of where my readers are so I can go back and insert information as I go. I just finished writing Chapter Five of Without a Summer which means that I’ve posted Chapter 3 for those of you reading along.

Here’s a teaser.

Jane sat at breakfast the morning after their arrival, considering a design for the main parlour of their new home. If they were to entertain, then it was important that their house represented their talents. The parlour had only simple washes of color on the walls which served to make the room somewhat more cheerful, but showed no artistry. As she drew a small stand of cattails, Melody burst into the room.

“It is snowing. Again!” Melody dropped into a chair at Jane’s side, jarring her arm. “I declare, who ever heard of snow in April. La! It is, of all things, the least expected.”

If you want to read along, check out the ground rules.

And yes, I did finish two chapters today. It is NaNoWriMo after all.

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