Call for Papers: Puppetry International #32: Puppetry in Science Fiction and Fantasy

I am incredibly happy to see this crossover between my two loves of puppetry and SF. Allow me to vouch for this as a really gorgeous glossy magazine. The editors are smart and some of my favorite people.

Puppetry International is the bi-annual publication of UNIMA-USA, the United States chapter of the Union Internationale de la Marionette, the world’s oldest theater organization. Each issue explores a different theme; recent issues have addressed puppetry’s relationships to text, dance, opera, spirituality, sexuality, and propaganda. We initiated a peer-reviewed section of the magazine in 2007 in order to encourage and develop scholarly writing about puppets and related performance forms. Articles for the peer-reviewed section of Puppetry International should demonstrate rigorous scholarly research and analysis, but also appeal to PI’s wider audience.

PUPPETRY INTERNATIONAL Magazine seeks brief articles (max. 2000 words) for its “Puppetry in Sci-Fi and Fantasy” issue. We intend a broad interpretation of the topic and hope for an international perspective and a style that will appeal to general readers with a strong interest in theatre and art. Personal essays and interviews are also welcomed.

Deadline for general submissions: August 1, 2012 

We publish at least one peer-reviewed article per issue. These no longer necessarily have to be on the theme of the issue. Submissions for peer review should follow the same length (2,000 words) and style restrictions (MLA) as all other articles, and should  demonstrate scholarly rigor and original research while appealing to a broad audience. Longer versions of these articles can be published on our website.

Deadline for peer-reviewed submissions: June 15, 2012 NOTE: They have filled the peer-review slot.

We also seek BOOK and PERFORMANCE reviews (1, 000 words max.)

While we generally publish new, original writing, we occasionally accept previously published articles if they have not yet appeared in English.

Submission Deadlines

  • Please email queries and submissions to editor Andrew Periale: [email protected] and to peer-review editor Dassia Posner:
  • [email protected]
  • Subject line on email: PI 31, Author’s last name, key word(s) from title.
  • Send book reviews (500 words) to John Bell [email protected] Word documents preferred. NO FORMATTING (no columns, embedded images, exotic fonts, different sizes of text, etc.), please.

Submission Guidelines:

  • 2,000 words for articles and essays.
  • 1,000 words for production reviews.
  • 500 words for book reviews (inquire with the editor about longer book
  • reviews).

Endnotes, Citations, Bibliographies:

  • MLA format; if these are extensive, we may publish them on our website.


  • Submit text for articles and reviews as a Word document using a single standard font.
  • Articles and reviews should be double-spaced throughout (including the notes).
  • No special formatting, please.
  • Do not embed images in the text.


  • Use of images is strongly encouraged.
  • Send digital images (color or black-and-white) as jpg, tiff, or photoshop documents, AT LEAST 300dpi at size printed. Please note: If you have a small image, simply increasing the NUMBER of dpi does not make it appropriate to print; it will “pixilate.”
  • For any questions about images, email Bonnie Periale: [email protected]  If author has no access to good scanning, original artwork may be mailed to:

PO Box 252
Strafford NH 03884-0252

All images and artwork will be returned. Include captions and a detailed list of photo credits, please.

Book reviews:
If possible, send an image from the book or a scan of the cover. Book reviews must be accompanied by a full bibliographic citation of the book being reviewed, including:

  • the author/editor
  • title
  • publication information
  • copyright date
  • number of pages
  • paperback/cloth edition
  • listed retail price
  • Book review topics must be approved in advance by book review editor John Bell ([email protected]).

Author information:
Please include the following information with all submissions (on a separate cover sheet if you are submitting for peer-review):

  • name
  • affiliation
  • mailing address
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