Buying fur

Jodi and I went to the fabric store where the bear’s fur came from and bought enough to do two more bears. It’s now on its way to Iceland via U.S. Post. Initially they said that shipping would cost $238.50 (at the cheap end. The high end was $700) because the fur was too big to fit into one of the US Post approved boxes and would have to go via FedEx. At that price I was just going to buy a suitcase and carry it with me. We managed to cram it in with a bit of effort. The post costs only $50. Crazy, eh? It’ll take 6-8 weeks to get to Iceland, but I’ll be out of the country longer than that, so I think it’ll be fine.

Afterwards we went to have Thai food. Mmmm. Spicy. I’ve missed spicy food. And Thai Iced Tea. Happy camper, me.

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4 thoughts on “Buying fur”

  1. Fabulousgirl: I go back to Iceland in early January.

    Aliette: I know! I bought six yards of the material and that’s almost exactly how much the cloth itself cost. I couldn’t believe that shipping it would double the price like that.

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