Because you can never have enough road trips

Rob had to drive down to Sacramento yesterday to pick up so FYB’s for City Winery and is on his way back up. We’ve realized that I can take the train down to Eugene to meet him.  Then we can stay at a Bed and Breakfast and then spend tomorrow out in Oregon wine country as he makes deliveries.  This does not sound like way to spend the day.  So I and my computer are hopping Amtrak south at about 2:00 today.

This will let Chris and Laurel, who are staying with us, have the apartment to themselves for the evening. I’m pleasantly surprised by how well the apartment is working for having house guests.

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9 thoughts on “Because you can never have enough road trips”

  1. FYB– Fresh Young Bartenders? Fancy Yellow Bottles? Funny Yiddish Books? is it something For Your Booze?

    Enjoy your trip- Find Yummy B&B

  2. -e-. I wanted to know too;
    but was too embarrassed to reveal
    my ignorance. You asked with such
    disarming grace! Thanks.

  3. Mary Robinette Kowal

    Ahem. It stands for “F*cking Yellow Bins” and is apparently a standard industry term because everyone hates the FYBs so much.

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