Because we can all use a smile…

Deanna Hoak posted a music video today that, as promised, made me smile. Introducing the video, she said,

Music has a lot of power to affect mood, from soothing to energizing to frightening. Every once in a while, a song comes along that will make me smile every time I hear it. … Will you post a song or video that makes you smile?

And you know, with everything that is going on lately, posting something that makes me smile seems like a darn fine idea.

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7 thoughts on “Because we can all use a smile…”

  1. Feist and the Muppets, in a Feist-y sort of way. Marvelous.

    And when I think about how much work and practice went into making that so simple and fun, that’s just awesome.

    – yeff

  2. So much fun and what a voice! Smiled the whole time. 🙂
    And thank you for being a conduit and inspiration to bring so many smiles so many places!

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