Backing up and moving forward

When we got back from Iceland my desktop computer wouldn’t boot. Uh-oh. We took it into a repair shop and learned that the hard disk was frozen. For a mere $1000 they could ship it off to California where the data could be retrieved.

Was there anything on it that I needed that badly?

Our wedding photos.

Allow me to now demonstrate the power of backups. I had backed everything up onto my old laptop and behold, it was still there. Whew. So, shall we celebrate again?

I’ve put them all in this handy Picassa photo album. Look how happy we are.

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8 thoughts on “Backing up and moving forward”

  1. Hooray for backups! When my previous desktop’s hard drive died, I had almost a full set of backup data. But still, I then bought an external drive to make recovery easier. I’m just saying.

    Condolences for your desktop, and I hope nothing important was lost!

  2. Oh, brilliant girl.

    My husband is a computer scientist, and every so often someone will ask him to try a recovery on their hard drive, and he’ll say, “I’ll see what I can do. But did you back up?”

    I hope you’ve backed up your photos again ;), and I hope nothing important has been lost.

  3. Chris: My husband is from Hawaii, so we’re all wearing leis that his parents brought with them. I have a jasmine lei on.

    Mom K, can you help me explain what the others are?

    Evan: Rob has an external hard drive, but didn’t get it in time to back that computer up.

    Maggie: That’s a big reason for sending them to Picassa, so they are on a source other than my computer. I’m also uploading the whole lot to a private subdirectory on my site.

    Dad: You’ll probably get to see lots of pictures as I unload them from the other laptop and rediscover them.

  4. Mary – thanks for the clue! It sounds like a neat idea.

    I just grokked that you’re from Chattanooga. Besides being a cool town, I’m reading Cherie Priest’s novel “Four and Twenty Blackbirds” which is (so far) all in Chattanooga.

  5. The wedding lei were maile (a fragrant vine) for most of the gentlemen or Ti leaf with orchids. Rob’s had pikaki (jasmine) entwined with the maile matching the bride’s lei of pikaki. The women’s lei were tuberose and orchids…some were ginger and a few with pink rose buds. The matron of honor wore ginger with ilima (a flower representing the Island of Oahu)…some others in the party wore kukui nut lei with mock orange blossoms. I had to look this up Mary. My memory is not all THAT great!

  6. Thanks, momk!

    Chris, given my current peripatetic lifestyle, it’s no wonder that you only caught the Chattanooga connection. To compound matters, I grew up in Raleigh, NC but spent every summer and Christmas in Chattanooga, where Mom and Dad are from. (My grandfather built Woodthrush Woods.) So Chattanooga feels more like home in many respects, especially since Mom and Dad have moved back there to retire.

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