Back in Chicago

I’m finally back in Chicago after being on the road since mid-May. Yes I came home for three days, but it still feels like I’ve been gone for months. Because our scheduling is phenomenally good, Rob is leaving town tomorrow for two weeks. He comes back on the 31st, we spend three days together and then I leave town for two weeks.


When we got married, I was still touring with puppet theater and would be gone for three to five months at a time, so we’ve done this before. We just sort of thought a career in writing would involve more time at home.

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6 thoughts on “Back in Chicago”

  1. Ooof, that’s rough.

    I’m experiencing similar timing issues with my beloved, and it’s the opposite of fun.

    I hope you’re able to enjoy the time you’ve got, and I wish you speedy broadband while you’re apart.

        1. Ha! Yes, I get that too, as well as the stalking away from the petting then the offended look as if to say, “Well… Why aren’t you following me to continue paying homage?”

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