Audio Sampler: Kate Mulgrew reads “Water to Wine” for METAtropolis:Cascadia

I know you like shiny things. And you do, right?  Shiny, shiny, shiny things.

One thinks of shiny as being a visual thing but lo! it can refer to audio as well.  For instance: I have the first five minutes of Kate Mulgrew reading my my audio novelette, “Water to Wine.”

Water To Wine” by Mary Robinette Kowal. Read by Kate Mulgrew

The full story is part of the audio anthology METAtropolis: Cascadia from Audible. It comes out on November 16th, but in the meantime. Shiny!  I’m sooooooo very happy with her reading.

As an added bonus, Tobias Buckell also has an audio sample of Wil Wheaton reading his story.

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4 thoughts on “Audio Sampler: Kate Mulgrew reads “Water to Wine” for METAtropolis:Cascadia”

  1. You could not have chosen a more fitting person than Kate Mulgrew to read Water to Wine. I enjoyed the first 5 minutes immensely and will be purchasing the full story when it is available to purchase online.

    Kate Mulgrew fan, Australia.

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