At LaGuardia on the way to Codex Writers’ Workshop

I somehow forgot to tell you about this, I think. Codex Writer’s Group is an online group for neo-pro writers. To be a member, you have to have made a pro-sale or attended one of the big audition only workshops ((Clarion, Odyssey, OSC’s BootCamp, etc.)) which means that it’s chock-full of some very talented writers.

This year we wanted to do a retreat and we’re doing it at my parents’ house. I have good folks, you know? My grandmother, her sister’s and cousins all inherited adjoining property. To condense the story, Mom and Dad live in the house that he grew up in, Woodthrush Woods, and they’ve moved Robin’s Roost, a log house, ((not a cabin)) from another part of the property to theirs.

See! Pictures.

Woodthrush Woods

I’ve been saying for years that it would make the perfect retreat center. Thirteen wooded acres, a creek, wi-fi and — at least this time — everyone gets their own bedroom.

We’re starting with a four day workshop with Ellen Datlow on short stories plus a novel track. Then there’s another six days of retreat.

It should be fun.

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10 thoughts on “At LaGuardia on the way to Codex Writers’ Workshop”

  1. Willis Couvillier

    Well, heck! 7 Small Press sales and attending Jim Gunn’s online workshop doesn’t count, huh? Man, gotta spam Asimov’s, Analog, JBU, and Realms! That first is a door-opener!

  2. That looks like a neat place! Sounds like a nice, realxing piece of property. Hope LGA treats you well. Maybe you will run into somebody there. 🙂

    1. No one in LGA, but I got the Giant Battle Scene chapter written, which is probably a better use of time anyway.

      But I’m in Charlotte now, so there’s still time for a random meeting.

  3. Willis Couvillier

    I’m sure I’m missing other pro markets, too. These sales have all been since March last year; all but two can be found in a Hadley Rille Books anthology. Now, if the publisher could qualify for SFWA, my first sale there would work — got 75.00 on that one, above that 50.00 minimum for a qualifying sale.

    Speaking of SFWA, I have a small question — how does 3 stories at 50.00 add up to 250.00? I’ve always been a bit curious about that one…

    Ah, and another pro market I missed: WotF. My first try there got me a cool HM Certificate. I haven’t started anything new for them yet, but I have a couple thoughts I can work up.

    Anyway, I think I’m rambling. Appreciate your patience!

    1. Wow, seven sales in the last year is nicely done.

      Speaking of SFWA, I have a small question — how does 3 stories at 50.00 add up to 250.00? I’ve always been a bit curious about that one…

      Oh boy… can you point me to where it says that?

      1. Willis Couvillier

        On the SFWA Membership requirements (as copied; thus quoted) here:

        “Three Paid Sales of prose fiction (such as short stories) to Qualifying Professional Markets, with each paid at the rate of 5c/word or higher (3c/word before 1/1/2004), for a cumulative total of $250, minimum $50 apiece; or”

        I must be missing something in the terminology here. To me, “cumulative total of $250, minimum $50 apiece” doesn’t math out correctly.

  4. Angela Slatter

    Waaaaah! I want to go to the house of writing!!! I’m doing Clarion South next year, will that help? Oh and a plane ticket, a plane ticket would help…

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