Apex Fundraiser

Here’s another way you can support Apex Digest. There’s old-fashioned raffle with amazing prizes at http://saveapex.maryrobinettekowal.com. You can buy a ticket to put your name in the hat to win autographed copies of books, art, video and other strange goodies. Tickets are a dollar each. That’s nothing, right? You can afford that.

On Friday, September 29th, we’ll draw names and hand out the prizes.

You might win an autographed book by Kevin J. Anderson, Brian Keene, David Louis Edelman, and more. Or how about a copy-edited manuscript of one of Ben Bova’s novels? Maybe you’d like to have your story professionally edited? Stop by and see which things you covet.

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2 thoughts on “Apex Fundraiser”

  1. What a great idea, Mary.

    I have heard a rumor that Apex has raised about half of the funds that are needed to stay in business. Do you know if this is accurate?

  2. Yes, that’s true.

    Status: 41.2%

    The really crazy thing about all this is that there are only 4 copies of issue six left! 2 copies of issue four (I put the 10 I had stashed away for personal use up on the website). However, there are tons of the Best of Apex 2005 chapbooks and Grim Trixter remaining. Preorders for Aegri Somnia also help!

    A quick note…no matter how the story ends for Apex Digest, Aegri Somnia will be released in mid-December.

    People are really coming through for Jason, but the push isn’t over yet. Thanks again, for your help getting the word out.

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