Apex Digest #6 on sale

My story Cerbo en Vitra ujo is in this issue of Apex Digest. It just went on sale. I do feel I should warn some of you that it is horror and fairly icky. But, if you enjoy horror, then please pick up a copy.

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6 thoughts on “Apex Digest #6 on sale”

  1. Aliette de Bodard

    Oh, you’re right, I did survive 😉 Thanks !

    Beth hinted that when she saw you after Literary Boot Camp you’d been in a horrible state. I so totally understand what state you must have been in … My brain is fried 🙂

  2. Mary Robinette Kowal

    Oh it was wonderful, but I felt like someone had taken the top of my head off. It’s the only way that much information could fit inside.

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