AMC – Four Fantastic Films That Aren’t Quite Fantasy

My column this week at AMC talks aboutFour Fantastic Films That Aren’t Quite Fantasy. You genre geeks know what I’m talking about. The interstitial stuff.

Two weeks ago we talked about movies you might not think of as fantasy that do in fact fall into the category. That got me thinking about movies that look like fantasy, but really aren’t. In broad definition, a fantasy evokes a sense of wonder by moving you out of the natural world. Sometimes it breaks only one rule, sometimes it establishes a whole new set of rules, but it’s always at least a step outside the realm of reality. At the other end of the spectrum, there are some beautiful productions that have all of the trappings of fantasy without breaking any rules at all. For us fantasy geeks, that means a wider range of movies to watch and enjoy; for those still timid about diving into the genre, these flicks are the perfect gateway drug. So today, let’s take a look at films that aren’t by definition fantasies, but are chock full of the things we love.

I’m going to turn off the comments here, but I’d love to hear what you think about the subject over at AMC. I’ve already got one person who disagrees with me on one of my picks. What are your thoughts?

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