A sign on the way to the shop

A sign on the way to work

So how many bike riding, pigeon feeding dogs do you think they have to deal with every year?

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7 thoughts on “A sign on the way to the shop”

  1. Well, none anymore, I would imagine. After all, the sign clearly states that bike-riding, pigeon-feeding dogs are not allowed.

    It’s funny how signs like that tell a story. I bet there was just one bike-riding, pigeon-feeding dog who got out of hand, and he had to go and spoil it for all the other bike-riding, pigeon-feeding dogs.

    I wish I could have been there that day. That must’ve been something to see. I figure that to get his own sign banning him, that dog must have fed a _lot_ of pigeons, or else been riding a _really_ fast bicycle. Or both.

  2. Robert’s sister-in-law took umbrage with this sign near their home, “Slow Children at Play”. You may understand why…especially in Minnesota, where “All the children are above average!”

  3. Mary: Clearly far more than you would think, otherwise they wouldn’t be banned. You’ll note that skateboarding, pigeon-feeding dogs are not banned, nor are dogs on a pogo stick.

  4. Suprised they don’t have a sign for pandas.

    They’re known to eat shoots leaves.

    My mother-in-law has the bood by the door. Allmost everyone commentes on it as they leave her house.

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