A Pro-Sale!

I can’t believe it. Strange Horizons just wrote to say they want to buy Portrait of Ari at pro-rates! I’m beside myself with excitement–really, it takes two of me to express my joy fully.

Here’s the letter.

Dear Mary Robinette Kowal,

We’re pleased to accept your story “Portrait of Ari” for publication in Strange Horizons, at a rate of 5 cents/word.

Our current schedule has this running early in 2006, but that could change.

At some point between now and then, we’ll do a detailed editing pass and send you the results for your approval. But that probably won’t happen for another few weeks.

In the meantime, below please find a copy of our informational questionnaire. Once we receive your response to it, we will send you a check and contract. Please allow two months after sending the questionnaire for processing; if you haven’t received a check and contract within two months, please let us know. And please don’t hesitate to contact our editor-in-chief, Susan Marie Groppi, at [email protected], if you have any questions about your contract.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask. And thank you for sending us this story!



For those of you following along, Susan Marie Groppi is my editor at All-Star Stories. I don’t know how much that had an impact on my story’s acceptance, but I’m counting my blessings in whatever form they take.

Now I just have to hope that tomorrow’s audition will go as well.

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5 thoughts on “A Pro-Sale!”

  1. Congratulations, Mary. Don’t be shy about any connections that might have helped. This business is like any other in that networking can do nothing but help. I’m so excited to see who publishes what from Bootcamp 2005, and it has begun. May there be many more!

  2. Congratulations! And may your little fairy be cute as can be at your audition and bring more good news for you. Good fairy vibes and best wishes.

  3. Congratulations!!!! That is so awesome! And now you can add that little clause to your submission letters, “My work has appeared in Strange Horizons….” Here’s to many more pro sales!

  4. I’m still excited and it’s three days later. Imagine what I’ll be like when it actually comes out.

    Minister, I have to confess that I immediately revised my submission letter. Now I just need to finish a new story to submit.

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