A clarification on Snow

I was on set today doing live hands for the mayor and shooting the breeze with Toti (one of our puppet wranglers) between shots. He asked if it snowed a lot in Portland. I said “no”. He said, “So it’s about like here, only once a month or so.” I looked at him in complete bafflement and then realized that when he says “it snowed” he means an accumulation of more than a couple of inches. When I say “it snowed” I mean that white stuff fell out of the sky. Which means, by Icelandic standards, it never snows in Portland.

What’s interesting about that little revelation is that I have stopped posting in my weblog when the white stuff falls out of the sky, because it just seems like normal precipitation now. I hadn’t noticed that I’d stopped mentioning it till I talked to Toti.

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