A basic introduction to Aztec mythology at The Nebula Awards site

One of the things I’m loving about the new Nebula Awards site is that the editor, David de Beer, is bringing in guest bloggers on a variety of topics. Check out this basic introduction to Aztec mythology by SF writer Aliette de Bodard. ((Hm… Maybe I need to add a “de” to my name too. Mary Robinette de Kowal?))

This article is intended to serve as a primer to some of the basic ideas of Aztec mythology. I’ve appended a brief bibliography at the end, should you be interested in finding out more.

The Aztecs, one of the most well-known people of Mesoamerica, were in fact relative newcomers to the Valley of Mexico: the founding of Tenochtitlan, their capital city, took place in 1345, barely two centuries before Hernan Cortés and his conquistadores toppled an empire at the height of its powers.

Just in case you skimmed over that, let me point out the word bibliography. Aliette has done your research for you. Go, enjoy!

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6 thoughts on “A basic introduction to Aztec mythology at The Nebula Awards site”

  1. Wow, thanks for the plug! (I thought I’d limit myself on the bibliography or folks would run away screaming…)

    Mary Robinette de Kowal
    That would sound classy.. I’m all for SF writers with “de” in their names taking over the world 🙂

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