2007 SFWA(R) Final Nebula Awards(R) Ballot — Public edition

The 2007 SFWA(R) Final Nebula Awards(R) Ballot is up. I figure that everyone and their uncle is posting the whole list so I’m just linking to it. “For Solo Cello” didn’t make the cut. Sadness.

BUT Titanium Mike by David Levine did, which has me very pleased because I liked that story a great deal.

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7 thoughts on “2007 SFWA(R) Final Nebula Awards(R) Ballot — Public edition”

    1. Mary posed by the window, her red locks dulled by the fading winter light. She brought one hand to her forehead and rested it there with the palm out. “Never!” she declared. “I shall never write anything good so long as I live.”

      Her sobbing echoed in the air shaft.

      A neighbor yelled, “Hey! Knock it off! I’m trying to watch TV.”

      Mary’s sorrow was complete.

    1. Thanks. I was surprised to be on the long list so I’m not really that heartbroken. It’s just fun to play the pining artiste. What would be really sad would be if that is the best story I ever wrote. I’d like to think I can still learn and improve.

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