
Culture Day

Culture day is one of the biggest celebrations in Iceland. 100,000 people come to Reykjavik to celebrate culture; it seems like there was music on every street corner. Jodi, Sam and I started the day downtown going to galleries. We visited a large church on a hill. You can see it from most places in […]

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A night at the movies

I went out with Jodi, Sam and Sarah to the Luxes, which is a luxury movie theater. It has leather recliners and serves beer and wine. The weird thing, and this is apparently standard in Iceland, is that every movie has an intermission. I don’t mean the Icelandic ones–we were there to see Hellboy for

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Whew. Friday.

Today I was pulled in to do assist Sarah on the rods of Trixie. In the first shot, my only job was to put Trixie’s right hand on her hip. No problem, except for one tiny thing. We’re on these flat rolling carts, kinda like mechanics use under cars, so that we can stay below

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Trial Over

I just got the word that they are going to keep me. Whew. It was pretty informal. Raymond, the producer, came in and asked Jodi if they liked me, and then asked me if I liked them. Then he asked Jodi to step into the hall and apparently said “She seems nice.” He told Jodi

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The Studio – Day Two

I went to bed at nine o’clock last night and just passed out. Then I woke up shortly after midnight–very annoying–and I could not get back to sleep. I finally got out of bed and had a snack, then tried to sleep again. The last time I looked at the clock it was three a.m.,

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Arrival in Reykjavik

Needless to say–but I will anyway–I am tired. I did manage to sleep on the plane, though not enough. Much to my surprise, Magnus, the creator of the show, was on the same flight as me. He was returning from the premiere in NYC. I sent a note up to his seat in first class

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Nine Hours in JFK

My flight from Portland got in at 11:10 a.m. My flight for Reykjavik doesn’t leave till 8:50 pm. I have a loooooong wait. So far, I’ve gone from terminal 4 to terminal 7, which is where Icelandair is, and then back to terminal 4. There aren’t any food options in terminal 7. I had a

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Layover in Minneapolis

Well. The title says it all. I left at one a.m. and actually managed to sleep on the flight. I’m delighted to have wireless internet service here so I can send a couple of e-mails and amuse myself. Sam Paden just instant messaged me, he’s giving me the low-down on my apartment in Reykjavik. I

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Destination Reykjavik

I got a call on Thursday from Lazytown offering me a job. I’m heading to Reykjavik for a two-week trial to see if we’re mutually compatible. If everything goes well, they’ll keep me till the end of the year. Yes. That’s a long time. Rob and I are both comfortable enough with the idea for

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