WorldCon has been great. Internet connectivity, less so. Trying to recapture the weekend seems well nigh unto impossible, so I’ll hit some highlights. Hanging out with Lou Anders, Paolo Bacigalupi, Kate Baker and talking about short story theories, including if the Hollywood formula can be applied. Yes, we think so, though not always.
Hanging in the bar with Jay Lake, Paul Cornell, Shannon Page and Doselle Young.
The panel on the Campbell Award with Cory Doctorow, Wen Spencer, Elizabeth Bear and John Scalzi, with two of the nominees in the audience (Felix Gilman and Tony Pi.) In which I learned a lot of interesting things about the history of the Campbell.
Participating in Joe Mahoney’s radio adaptation fo “The Cold Equation,” with a great cast, none of whose names I’ve got with me. (Sorry guys!)
I had a manicure/pedicure and massage today, which was lovely.
I’ve just returned from dropping off the Campbell tiara with the Hugo committee and am getting ready to go to the Hugo ceremony. I have a pretty, pretty dress.
It is a pretty dress, which I didn’t get a chance to tell you because there was too much going on at the pre-awards thing. Good list of winners, I think.
I’m pretty sure I remember being in the Campbell panel, too. And you did a magnificent job with the tiara.
Entirely off-topic, your interview in this month’s Locus is excellent!
Hi Mary,
Thanks for handing off the tiara. I’ll take good care of it.
It was fun doing “The Cold Equations” with you, and you totally rocked the part!
Is there a recording of Cold Equations? UFO Fest is always coming up.
Alas, no.