Marlowe, Sadie and the mystery of doors.

Sadie and MarloweMarlowe is very sweet and tractable, but not always the brightest cat. At the age of 15, he still has no figured out that you push doors open from one side and pull from the other. My other cats have all figured out that if you hook a claw under the door, you can pull it open.

So, this morning, Marlowe followed me into the bathroom, as he does. And the door shut, but didn’t latch behind him. He did his usual routine of standing on his hand legs and pawing at it to get it to open, which only makes it thump repeatedly against the frame.

And then the door magically opened.

Sadie, standing on the other side, pushed the door open and let him out. So… okay. Fair enough, Marlowe. When you bat the door long enough, it WILL open.

Sadie, by the way, is starting to reach for the doorknobs. It’s a good thing she doesn’t have opposable thumbs, is all I have to say.


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5 thoughts on “Marlowe, Sadie and the mystery of doors.”

  1. I hope Sadie doesn’t tell Marlowe the humiliating truth about the face basket as a tool of oppression

  2. One of my childhood friends had a siamese cat who locked herself in a bedroom at least once. The door had one of those small lever-style locks next to the doorknob, so all she had to do was jump at the doorknob.

    Not to give Sadie any ideas… but if any of your doors have locks that are paw-operable, you may want to think about alternate means of entry.

  3. My maine coon, Zomi, can open pretty much any door in the house. :/ He can also open Tupperware.

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