Ookami reviewedShimmer Vol 2 #2 and loves us. This makes me happy, particularly the note taken of the art direction. I think our artists are wonderful, so it’s nice when someone else agrees with me.
What I noticed about all the stories is the sheer intelligence that has gone into the writing, even the stories that appealed to me less. There is no flotsam here, but some fine writing that treats the form seriously (even Boogie-woogie man!). This, combined with the attractiveness of the package, means that I can happily recommend the magazine.
ah, am actually dropping a comment about the next post, “The Bride Replete”; is password protected, so can’t read.
May I please?
am accessing this from different PC than I normally use, so that may have something to do with it
I’ll send you the password. I’d posted it for a writer’s group and forgot to post a word of explanation. It’s an unfinished story, by the way. I think it even cuts off mid-sentence.