Happy Newish Year

Here we are nearly a week into the New Year and I haven’t posted a thing. You might wonder why.

That would be a little thing called Stomach Flu.

Now, I don’t want you to think that I’ve been sick for the last two weeks. No, no… It’s a plague that swept through my family, knocking my parents down on Christmas Day, sending my grandmother AND my uncle to the hospital, putting me on a rice diet for a couple of days and making Rob unfit to be on a plane.

My own return to Portland is delayed by a week and a half to give the rest of the family time to recover. I think, at this point, everyone has gotten the plague so there aren’t any more surprises.

Everyone is well or on the mend, but… well, let’s just say that the start of 2012 has been a little rocky.

How has it been for you?


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18 thoughts on “Happy Newish Year”

  1. We also had a bit of illness to contend with, tricky because we couldn’t distinguish genuine symptoms from jet lag after our return from the middle east.

    So sorry to hear that you have all been laid so low as to delay your return. Please let me know if any assistance is needed on this end… Perhaps an airport pickup?

    A speedy recovery to all!

  2. Perhaps it was not the flu, but the corn syrup in the half-and-half…

    At least it wasn’t the vapors (looking at the cover of Glamour in Glass to the left)!

  3. It was the vapors. Or maybe the corn syrup in the half-and-half. Or maybe the way the comment software is throwing up all over my shoes…

  4. We had stomach flu for Christmas at our house this year too. Made me wonder if we somehow got on the naughty list, and this was the modern version of a lump of coal.

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