Last September, I took a month off from the internet. During my vacation, I told people that they could correspond with me by paper letter. Some people did. Some people still are. Every letter delights me.
When I write back, I find that I slow down and write differently than I do with an email. Email is all about the now. Letters are different, because whatever I write needs to be something that will be relevant a week later to the person to whom I am writing. In some ways it forces me to think about time more because postal mail is slower. “By the time you get this…” It is relaxing. It is intimate. It is both lasting and ephemeral.
How so? I find that I will often read the letters that I receive twice. Once when I get them and again as I write back. So, that makes it more lasting. It is more ephemeral because I don’t have copies of the letters that I write and I am the only one who has copies of the letters that my correspondents write. So, more ephemeral.
When was the last time you got a letter in the mail? December sees a lot of mail and you remember that sense of delight when the first card arrives. You can have that more often.
I have a simple challenge for you.
- In the month of February, mail at least one item through the post every day it runs. Â Write a postcard, a letter, send a picture, or a cutting from a newspaper, or a fabric swatch.
- Write back to everyone who writes to you. This can count as one of your mailed items.
All you are committing to is to mail 24 items. Â Why 24? There are four Sundays and one US holiday. In fact, you might send more than 24 items. You might develop a correspondence that extends beyond the month. You might enjoy going to the mail box again.
Feeling intimidated? It’s fewer words than NaNoWriMo and I know how many of you do that. Join me in The Month of Letters Challenge.
FAQ – Website (Yes, I just made one) – Facebook – Twitter or as #LetterMo
For some of us outside the U.S., the post is closed on Saturdays… which means only 21 days…. or 20 if wehave a holiday.
See! It’s even easier. Does that mean you are in?
Funny, that’s been a goal of mine anyway. I’ve sent two letters in the past month–I think I shall consider that ramping up for February. Thanks for the idea!
Excellent. Â I’m glad to see that you are already writing letters.
maybe, if you wanted you could post this on the RSA. I believer their is a forum for pen pals????
Great timing for this post (for me, anyways). I’ve been trying to make an effort to send a few creative postcards since the New Year. In my pre-internet teen years, I used to have lots of pen-pals. It was a great way to feel terribly cool whenever I got a scotch-taped, Sharpie-doodled, glue-stamped, over-stuffed package in my mailbox at the bottom the mountain in rural PA.
The tactile nature of the mail is part of what I love so much about it.
This sounds like great fun, and an opportunity to meet new people. Â My only question is how to you acquire new addresses or share your own safely? Â (Mostly cause that would be my wife’s concern with it.) Â Otherwise it sounds wonderful and I’ll do it.
I would suggest putting out a call via social media and exchanging them via email with people that you feel comfortable. Many authors have mailing address on their contact page as well.Â
Great idea! There is something wonderful about knowing that a person took the time to think of you and write a note or send a special clipping. Â I’m going to try to do this!
I am happy to hear it. My mother-in-law sometimes sends us newspaper clippings. I find that I am so much more likely to look at them than an email forward. Plus, the reverse side of the clipping sometimes has tantalizing hints.
Hello Mary…..
I can say for myself  I’m in ….. my wife love getting letters –  real ones…. would it count if I mailed a letter to her from the same town…. I would love to do this…. I have friends overseas that might dig getting a mail from me…..
thank youÂ
I will send you something……. too
Yes, Â it would count if you mail your wife a letter. I think that’s sweet.
I want in! This sounds fun.
I think it shall be. Â I’ll write to you.
I love this idea. I am so in.
Just making people aware of this, their a site called PostCrossing it’s a great little site that encourages sending post cards http://www.postcrossing.com/ you can get up to 5 time but you can’t send more out till someone enters your code. So you might not get 24 out right away but it’s fun anyways and might give you a few options to send more letters outÂ
Thanks for mentioning this. It’s a great idea
What a great idea! Back before e-mail and cell phones, my best friend and I kept in touch by letters. I still have piles of letters from elementary school, and I’m sad that they’ve tapered off over the years. This is a fantastic way to get back in the discipline of hand-written notes.
I miss getting and sending letters. My best friend and I used to write each other notes during class when we were in high school and college. We still have some and they are a constant source of amusment and occasional bafflement. Count me in!
Count me in! Though… I feel like I’m already doing it. So… a month and two weeks of letter writing, here we go!
I am in the same boat, although it’s only almost every day right now.
I am so doing this! I have a couple of dedicated pen pals with whom I exchange correspondence, but lately I’ve been wishing for more.Â
Is it alright if we use the “Month of Letters” image on our websites/blogs to advertise as long as we credit and link back?
Yes, please absolutely use the Month of Letters image. Â I made it to be a web badge for participants but didn’t actually mention it in the article. I’ll add that to the FAQ.
Awesome, thanks, Mary!
I am so in. Â http://milpontinhos1.blogspot.com
I’m in! 🙂 Terrible handwriting and all.
I’m in! Trying to compose a list now.
I’m in!!!  Yay!  (I routinely mail more than one and am delighted to have you all join me! 😉
I’m in! 🙂
Oh, I’m tickled! Â Seriously so. Â And I don’t know how it is that I had to be ‘invited’ to do this because I adore pen to paper!
Excellent. Â And thanks to Thomas Alice for bringing this to me.
*doing happy dance*
I’m soooooooooo excited!!!!!
I am so in! I still love writing letters, and I love walking hopefully out to my mailbox every day.Â
This sounds so fun! I totally want to do it–now if I can just think of 24 people to write to, that would be awesome…Â
It doesn’t have to be 24 different people. It’s just mailing 24 different items. You could, in fact, write them all to the same person.
I’m so excited to know about this! Â (a friend posted on Facebook) Â I just started a pen pal correspondence with my 5-year-old grand niece and was thinking it would be nice to write letters to more people. Â Not sure about the daily given work load, but will try. Â A great idea!
Such a lovely Idea. I actually MISS getting long letters form my pen pal of 18 years in Canada. We began writing to each other in 1993 and started with e-mail in the year 2000. Convenient, but I miss her letters and writing long ones t her in return. One day on the bus on the way to work, I was reading one of her letters and laughing at the funny bits. An elderly woman tapped me and at first I thought she was going to ask me to quieten down. Instead she said something like “It’s such a joy to see someone so in touch with their emotions, you’ve made my day, that’s so special and rare these days” and in saying that, she made my day too!
I loved getting her parcels in the mail too and parcels from eBay and other places.
I write many letters/notes/postcards every day and have for many years, but I love seeing challenges like this because it prompts more and more people to use the postal system. I’ll send you a letter today.
I look forward to that and I’ll write back.
Ahhh. Great idea! DO you remember the Griffn & Sabine books?
I do. I thought they were beautiful.
THANKS to Sharyn T. for posting this link on her blog…..I’m IN!!!
Delighted to hear it.
I am definitely joining in and I’m encouraging my blog readers to join in too http://llmcalling.blogspot.com/2012/01/month-of-letters-challenge.html
I’m in! Â This sounds fun…I love making cards and I love writing letters, so this challenge will be a blast!
I’m going to (try to) do it, too! (My details are here:Â
http://talk.waitingforfairies.com/2012/01/24/write-me-a-letter/ )
And thank you for saying nice things about my book.
I will pledge to do this in the month of February.  It sounds like a great idea.  Mary LeFever
i cant wait to do this!!! i already write to my cousin once a week.(she refuses to email!) And my mothers family has a Round robin letter that we get about every 6 weeks Have you ever heard of that?
Yes, I used to participate in a Round Robin letter but we stopped doing it when email came in and then gradually all dropped out of touch.
I am gonna do this. Saw it on Torms site..yipee…old fashioned fun!!!
I am gonna do this. Saw it on Torms site..yipee…old fashioned fun!!!
I am ordering postcards as I type this [open tabs are wonderful]. I found this on Rachel Bunting’s site and shall post on mine tomorrow.
Of course I have an interest, I own a stationery store! But I’m doing this for me. I just have some great inventory to use! –Meg
I’m purchasing postcards this afternoon and am putting out a call for further participation on my blog. I’ve also teamed up with Rachel Bunting. Thanks for this superb idea! I’m excited. 🙂
I love writing letters and so few people do it, anymore. (I have gorgeous fairy stationary.) I think I will have to do this. Thank you for this lovely post and the inspiration.
Hmmm. Frustrating. I just tried four times to sign up at the web site. I think I am reading the directions correctly. The error seems to be with my user name, but I have nothing in my user name that they say not to have. Any ideas?
Oh, that IS frustrating. What error message did it give you?
Mary – something must have noticed I went to a higher power [i.e. you]. I tried just now, to remind me of the error message and I’m in. Thank you.
I’m off the the post office for stamps.
Oh good. I love it when things randomly fix themselves.
It makes me happy when things fix themselves randomly.
It makes me happy when things fix themselves randomly.
It makes me happy when things fix themselves randomly.
It makes me happy when things fix themselves randomly.
It makes me happy when things fix themselves randomly.
It makes me happy when things fix themselves randomly.
It makes me happy when things fix themselves randomly.
This is a lovely idea and I’m in! I’ll share it with my readers as well, who are already fans of letter writing!
Isnt this nice? thanks Laura for posting this.
I am all for this! Â I happen to live and work outside the USA and use the postal service daily! Â This is incredibly easy to do once you start! Â I must admit, it may be difficult to find time to stop at the post office, or even hand write someone a note, but after a while, it almost becomes a habit! Â I usually send 20 to 50 postcards/letters a month to friends back home! Â They LOVE receiving hand written notes!
That is a great habit to have.Â
My problem is actually getting them into the mail. (No it is not picked up at my residence I am on a base overseas.) I’ve had this problem for years. Write the letter and it marinates. I mentioned one time to my parents that I was a lousy letter writer. My dad told me I wrote great letters. My answer, “Maybe so, but they never get mailed.” Okay sounds like excuses, but once my mother and I both had email we conversed back and forth several times a week and it was a delight. I like your idea and in the summer I do write more letters, but I only have to get them 10 steps to the mailbox and the mailman does the rest. 🙂 Helen
A couple different people have mentioned this problem, of not having mail pickup at home. The strategy for coping is to write the letters every day and pick a day of the week to be Mail Day, which is the day you go to drop off out-going mail.
What a beautiful idea. Thank you!
I think this is a great idea. It’s also another way to make yourself write every day. Writing by hand also feels more ‘real’ although I think the handwriting and flow of ideas has been so mangled by frequent computer use, that I often formulate anything coherent until it’s typed up on the computer screen.
A good way to make use of my new Pilot Vanishing Point fountain pen!
I have been a HUGE fan of snail mail for years and have tried to pass it on to others. I am a HUGE letter writer and am amazed at my email friends when the tell me they “miss my letters” – yet none of them seem to know how to write a letter to me or even a card. I have one friedn whom I would get cards from occassionally, but since she has gotten a iphone she emails everyone, even those of us whom are rarely on the internet. I love that you are promoting this – but am surprised that you did not include a snail mail address – ??? I would of thought that you would of, just to see how many d of responded to you via snail mail. Wouldn’t that of been interesting!
I have been a HUGE fan of snail mail for years and have tried to pass it on to others. I am a HUGE letter writer and am amazed at my email friends when the tell me they “miss my letters” – yet none of them seem to know how to write a letter to me or even a card. I have one friedn whom I would get cards from occassionally, but since she has gotten a iphone she emails everyone, even those of us whom are rarely on the internet. I love that you are promoting this – but am surprised that you did not include a snail mail address – ??? I would of thought that you would of, just to see how many d of responded to you via snail mail. Wouldn’t that of been interesting!
Go to Mary’s website. Â Click on “contact,” and you will find a P.O. Box for her mail.
I originally had my P.O. Box in the Challenge, but when 20,000 people clicked through to the challenge page I began to panic a little about the volume of mail. Since part of the challenge says that I will respond to everything I receive in February, that could be… well, that could be a significant amount of mail even if only 1% of the people who visit the page decided to write.
So I moved my address to the FAQ.
Going to do this (even though I am a postal addict already!)
Going to do this – although I am already a postal addict!
What a great idea! Â Let’s bring back the art of the handwritten note!
What a great idea! Â Let’s bring back the art of the handwritten note!
Greetings and Salutations Mary! My name is Jonathan Gabel and I was required by Carol Christmas of http://www.writealetter.org about The Month of Letters Challenge. Now I do have my own e-mail address, my own Facebook profile, and myl own Twitter profile. However, about 90 to 95 percent of my correspondences still go through the tradition of letter-writing! I have had my own mailbox which happens to be my PO Box in Cedar Knolls for over 22 years and I have been very proud to have that since I first had my mailbox back in December 1, 1989! I enjoy writing letters because not only is it most personal but the writing itself tells me who they really are! Feel free to respond back to me anytime as I am interested in The Month of Letters Challenge! Thank you very much and you have a good day!
I would love to partecipate,I live in Malta,is it possible?
Big Hugs !
Yes, absolutely. You can exchange mail with people in Malta or in any other country you like.
Oooh! A reason to get my Christmas cards out! (yes, I STILL haven’t done that!) I’m excited at this challenge. Thank you so much! 🙂
Can I play too 🙂 this sounds wonderful – I’m in the UK
Laura x
Absolutely. Your mailing days might be different from the US but I already know of participants in Thailand, Australia, Canada, and the UK.
I am a big fan of letters written on paper, yes, paper. I have 3 regular snail mail correspondents, who are very dear to me and I applaud your idea.
I have my post up linking to your website! I’m very excited about joining! Thank you so much! Diane ?
I was challanged to post a picture a day on Facebook, and I started “My Year of Retirement Pictures” as I retired on 12/23/11, so this will add some more fun to my first months of retirement. Thanks for the idea.
This sounds like a wonderful idea…
Well, I need to start collecting people’s mailing addresses then!
Very excited about this, just got my stamps and am organizing my stationary. Will be interesting to see who(if any) will write back. I posted a few months ago on my Facebook status about the lost art of letter writing and then one of my friends posted this project on her facebook page. Happy writing!!
*waves from LJ* I’m in!
Count me in! 🙂
What a fantastic challenge! I learned about your idea from Diane of Lavender Dreams (who is an absolute doll, by the way) and decided to take you up on it!
I’ll be posting your badge on my blog and will post about your challenge. Thanks so much for encouraging us to slow down, take time, and enjoy our relationships.
My husband asks me why I drive myself crazy each year bothering with Christmas cards. I didn’t get to them last year, so I plan to use February to reach out to those who didn’t get a Christmas card. Even if it’s just a postcard. I love this idea. Both of my grandmothers would correspond with their sisters via letters. There is a lost art to writing a short, yet newsy note. I guess the trick is to do it often.
Also, sending mail helps keep the postal workers busy. So, let’s get writing.
Has anyone read “A Women of Independent Means”. It’s a book of letters written by one lady. One of my favorites.
So, I randomly decided to copy someone on the Twitters and do this, and then I found out it’s an actual thing lots of people are doing. So I’m not going to, because it’s too mainstream now.
I’m kidding, can’t wait to start 😀
Count me in as I have been trying to do a version of this by remembering family/friend birthday/anniversaries with a ‘real’ card as my New Year’s resolution!
My work on family history established close relationships with distant, elderly members of my extended family. We were voracious letter writers but sadly, all my correspondents have passed away. I can’t tell you how much I miss that tangible exchange. I’m in, by all means. This is a wonderful idea and to take it one step further, each of my efforts will be a special valentine to a dear friend who doesn’t often hear from me. Thank you!
Great idea – my son found this on another blog and shared it with me, so I blogged about it and will again tomorrow (day one of the challenge). I thought letter writing was a lost art, but it appears a lot more people are writing (or at least wanting to) these days. Thanks, lynnobermoeller.blogspot.com
Great idea – my son found this on another blog and shared it with me, so I blogged about it and will again tomorrow (day one of the challenge). I thought letter writing was a lost art, but it appears a lot more people are writing (or at least wanting to) these days. Thanks, lynnobermoeller.blogspot.com
Great idea – my son found this on another blog and shared it with me, so I blogged about it and will again tomorrow (day one of the challenge). I thought letter writing was a lost art, but it appears a lot more people are writing (or at least wanting to) these days. Thanks, lynnobermoeller.blogspot.com
I’m doing it. Mailing one piece of actual hand-written mail to a different person every day in February. Want to write me, anyone?
Just wrote out my first 2 letters, one to the ill wife of a friend, the other to an internet connection. Having to write in longhand really slows my process and makes me more thoughtful about the words on the page.
That slowing of the thoughts is one of the things that I like most.
Wow. Thought you were Barbara Robinette Moss. Are you two related?
Likely not. I’m named Robinette after my grandmother, who was named after her father, who was named after the minister who married his parents.
I am In 🙂
What a great idea. I look forward to seeing what you post.
What a great idea. I look forward to seeing what you post.
What a great idea. I look forward to seeing what you post.
What a great idea. I look forward to seeing what you post.
What a great idea. I look forward to seeing what you post.
What a great idea. I look forward to seeing what you post.
What a great idea. I look forward to seeing what you post.
What a great idea. I look forward to seeing what you post.
What a great idea. I look forward to seeing what you post.
Ooh, I’m so excited to find this. I’m hopping aboard – absolutely! Thanks ever so much for arranging this. How utterly fabulous. J xÂ
Ooh, I’m so excited to find this. I’m hopping aboard – absolutely! Thanks ever so much for arranging this. How utterly fabulous. J xÂ
Ooh, I’m so excited to find this. I’m hopping aboard – absolutely! Thanks ever so much for arranging this. How utterly fabulous. J xÂ
Ooh, I’m so excited to find this. I’m hopping aboard – absolutely! Thanks ever so much for arranging this. How utterly fabulous. J xÂ
Ooh, I’m so excited to find this. I’m hopping aboard – absolutely! Thanks ever so much for arranging this. How utterly fabulous. J xÂ
Ooh, I’m so excited to find this. I’m hopping aboard – absolutely! Thanks ever so much for arranging this. How utterly fabulous. J xÂ
Ooh, I’m so excited to find this. I’m hopping aboard – absolutely! Thanks ever so much for arranging this. How utterly fabulous. J xÂ
Thank you so much for doing this. I am going to give it a try! 🙂
Thank you so much for doing this. I am going to give it a try! 🙂
This is a fantastic challenge. I committed to writing 52 letters in 2012, and I like the idea of adding postcards and shorter notes to my correspondance during February!
I’m in!
I’m in! Thanks…this is bound to bring many smiles when friends find an actual letter in the snail mail! 🙂
I love this idea. I don’t know if I’ll do something every day, but I’ll give it a shot.
I suspect that once you start, it will be easier than you think. Think of postcards like status updates on Facebook.
I’m IN!!!! I love letters, and do try to send a real one at least once a month. 24 in a month? Sounds fabulous!
For birthdays, special occasions, or if I know a friend is going through a hard time, I post a notecard to them.  If I see a card that reminds me of a friend, near or far, I’ll often post it “just because”.
Recently, I sent postcards from our vacation, and everyone was delighted to receive them, and most said they’d not received a postcard in years.
We each enjoy receiving something in the post-box other than bills and flyers.
For birthdays, special occasions, or if I know a friend is going through a hard time, I post a notecard to them.  If I see a card that reminds me of a friend, near or far, I’ll often post it “just because”.
Recently, I sent postcards from our vacation, and everyone was delighted to receive them, and most said they’d not received a postcard in years.
We each enjoy receiving something in the post-box other than bills and flyers.
For birthdays, special occasions, or if I know a friend is going through a hard time, I post a notecard to them.  If I see a card that reminds me of a friend, near or far, I’ll often post it “just because”.
Recently, I sent postcards from our vacation, and everyone was delighted to receive them, and most said they’d not received a postcard in years.
We each enjoy receiving something in the post-box other than bills and flyers.
For birthdays, special occasions, or if I know a friend is going through a hard time, I post a notecard to them.  If I see a card that reminds me of a friend, near or far, I’ll often post it “just because”.
Recently, I sent postcards from our vacation, and everyone was delighted to receive them, and most said they’d not received a postcard in years.
We each enjoy receiving something in the post-box other than bills and flyers.
See, this is the spirit of the challenge.
I’m in! Let’s get it working, Luddites! Hurrah!
I’m in! Is there an official sign-up or is it just our word?
I’m happy to take your word for it, but I also made an official webpage where you can signup. It gives you the opportunity to trade addresses with other people looking for penpals.
Just mail a card a a book to a friend in Portugal 😉
I love this idea!! I’m going to participate and would love to put that badge on my blog! But, I don’t know how to find the html in order to do that. ?? Someone help?? Thanks! Happy writing!!
I love this idea!! I’m going to participate and would love to put that badge on my blog! But, I don’t know how to find the html in order to do that. ?? Someone help?? Thanks! Happy writing!!
I love this idea!! I’m going to participate and would love to put that badge on my blog! But, I don’t know how to find the html in order to do that. ?? Someone help?? Thanks! Happy writing!!
You should be able to download the image to your computer and then upload it to your blog.
This is such a fantastic idea! I just found a letter which my grandfather wrote to my great-uncle, who served in WWII, last week. It was so beautiful because of its ordinary quality. I’m going to do this, and encourage as many people to do so as I can!Â
That’s so lovely. We have a bunch of v-mail from my grandmother’s first cousin. It is all so moving.
I will do this!   I write often anyway, but I love the idea of letters…. (ahhhhh) Just love it.
Is this all I have to do?  Say I’ll do it and then do it?
I’ll post a link on my blog.
You don’t have to, but there’s a signup page which connects you with other participants. http://www.lettermo.com/signupÂ
I love this idea and I sent my first note today! What a great way to celebrate February!!! Thanks!
I love this idea and I sent my first note today! What a great way to celebrate February!!! Thanks!
Oh. Wow.
I’m attracted to but mostly overwhelmed by this! Â lol
I don’t even know 2 people’s addresses, much less 24. Â I’ll try to send one. Â Maybe 2.
Oh. Wow.
I’m attracted to but mostly overwhelmed by this! Â lol
I don’t even know 2 people’s addresses, much less 24. Â I’ll try to send one. Â Maybe 2.
Oh. Wow.
I’m attracted to but mostly overwhelmed by this! Â lol
I don’t even know 2 people’s addresses, much less 24. Â I’ll try to send one. Â Maybe 2.
Oh. Wow.
I’m attracted to but mostly overwhelmed by this! Â lol
I don’t even know 2 people’s addresses, much less 24. Â I’ll try to send one. Â Maybe 2.
Oh. Wow.
I’m attracted to but mostly overwhelmed by this! Â lol
I don’t even know 2 people’s addresses, much less 24. Â I’ll try to send one. Â Maybe 2.
Oh. Wow.
I’m attracted to but mostly overwhelmed by this! Â lol
I don’t even know 2 people’s addresses, much less 24. Â I’ll try to send one. Â Maybe 2.
Oh. Wow.
I’m attracted to but mostly overwhelmed by this! Â lol
I don’t even know 2 people’s addresses, much less 24. Â I’ll try to send one. Â Maybe 2.
Oh. Wow.
I’m attracted to but mostly overwhelmed by this! Â lol
I don’t even know 2 people’s addresses, much less 24. Â I’ll try to send one. Â Maybe 2.
Oh. Wow.
I’m attracted to but mostly overwhelmed by this! Â lol
I don’t even know 2 people’s addresses, much less 24. Â I’ll try to send one. Â Maybe 2.
Oh. Wow.
I’m attracted to but mostly overwhelmed by this! Â lol
I don’t even know 2 people’s addresses, much less 24. Â I’ll try to send one. Â Maybe 2.
Oh. Wow.
I’m attracted to but mostly overwhelmed by this! Â lol
I don’t even know 2 people’s addresses, much less 24. Â I’ll try to send one. Â Maybe 2.
I’m in & so excited! EXCELLENT idea! I think this might cheer up the post office workers a wee bit, too. ;^)
This is wonderful! I’m with you on the challenge.
Writing letters is my favorite form of expression. When I write a letter to a friend I often discover I am really writing to myself, sorting out how I feel. A letter may be intended as a gift to the reader, but it’s also a gift to the writer.
On my birthday I started thinking about Snail Mail and how the art of writing with a pen and paper is nearly non existent so I came up with this http://www.facebook.com/events/251948631544046/ since then I’ve come across articles, books, old letters, postcards and ideas like yours, and it makes me smile 😀 … i Like to think this is the world telling me to continue my little project despite all else…
I also would like to recommend this book “365 Thank Yous” by John Kralic. It gave me the courage to go ahead and do what has been on my mind since the beginning of the year!
Thank you for sharing your idea! I’ll be sure to pass it along as well!
<3Happy Writing! Liz
Was in class or traveling most of yesterday, so I will write two letters today. I think I’ll start with thank you notes to those involved with conference.
What a wonderful idea! Nobody writes letters any more. And I like the different things you can send!
Fabulous idea. Just posted on my blog.
Fabulous idea. Just posted on my blog.
Fabulous idea. I just posted a link on my blog. Let’s write to our favorite authros.
I love this idea! I’m going to send postcards to neighbours and letters to distant relatives. Hope this spreads around Ireland too, would love a revival in letter writing.
Hi, I”m from Sydney, Oz and have just clocked this ‘mission,’ so already, like the famous white rabbit, I’m late, I’m late! Tomorrow, February 7, I will post 7 hand-written missives to catch up (all of which I’ll dutifully write tonight), then begin a more leisurely stroll through the world of letter writing.  I look forward to the challenge and shall keep you posted on how I go. Best Wishes, Carol G Â
I’m a bit late but will try to catch up. Having just arrived home from visiting friends and family in Australia I was thinking of writing some nice “thank you” cards so I have plenty to start with. Thanks for the lovely challenge. Gill
February is easy because of Valentine’s day. This year I decided to surprise my husband to sent him an Valentine card at word every day until the 14th.
I sent them anonymous. Of course he recognized my handwriting, but he liked the puzzled look on the faces of the colleages that distribute the mail…… so he kept them in the dark
February is easy because of Valentine’s day. This year I decided to surprise my husband to sent him an Valentine card at word every day until the 14th.
I sent them anonymous. Of course he recognized my handwriting, but he liked the puzzled look on the faces of the colleages that distribute the mail…… so he kept them in the dark
February is easy because of Valentine’s day. This year I decided to surprise my husband to sent him an Valentine card at word every day until the 14th.
I sent them anonymous. Of course he recognized my handwriting, but he liked the puzzled look on the faces of the colleages that distribute the mail…… so he kept them in the dark
February is easy because of Valentine’s day. This year I decided to surprise my husband to sent him an Valentine card at word every day until the 14th.
I sent them anonymous. Of course he recognized my handwriting, but he liked the puzzled look on the faces of the colleages that distribute the mail…… so he kept them in the dark
February is easy because of Valentine’s day. This year I decided to surprise my husband to sent him an Valentine card at word every day until the 14th.
I sent them anonymous. Of course he recognized my handwriting, but he liked the puzzled look on the faces of the colleages that distribute the mail…… so he kept them in the dark
February is easy because of Valentine’s day. This year I decided to surprise my husband to sent him an Valentine card at word every day until the 14th.
I sent them anonymous. Of course he recognized my handwriting, but he liked the puzzled look on the faces of the colleages that distribute the mail…… so he kept them in the dark
February is easy because of Valentine’s day. This year I decided to surprise my husband to sent him an Valentine card at word every day until the 14th.
I sent them anonymous. Of course he recognized my handwriting, but he liked the puzzled look on the faces of the colleages that distribute the mail…… so he kept them in the dark
February is easy because of Valentine’s day. This year I decided to surprise my husband to sent him an Valentine card at word every day until the 14th.
I sent them anonymous. Of course he recognized my handwriting, but he liked the puzzled look on the faces of the colleages that distribute the mail…… so he kept them in the dark
February is easy because of Valentine’s day. This year I decided to surprise my husband to sent him an Valentine card at word every day until the 14th.
I sent them anonymous. Of course he recognized my handwriting, but he liked the puzzled look on the faces of the colleages that distribute the mail…… so he kept them in the dark
That is so sweet.
Wow, what a challenge! I wonder if I can live up to it? Hmmm…I think I shall give it a try.Â
As the wife of a mailman I want to thank you for starting this challenge. I am starting my participating on Monday and i plan to post about it on my blog as well.
Thank you,
Please thank your husband for carrying letters.Â
I love your challenge and even though I’m not up for the challenge right now (hope you’ll be doing one again), I’d like to ask if you’d consider on one of the days in February writing a love letter to someone who would need a pick-me-up.
The details are on my blog, feel free to drop by if you’re interested 🙂
Receiving a letter in the post box is always so much fun!
Receiving a letter in the post box is always so much fun!
Receiving a letter in the post box is always so much fun!
Love the idea! I am getting ready to add the badge to my webpage.
I’m in!!
I think this is a great idea! I’m in! Too late to post a letter today, but I can write one tonight & another tomorrow morning & post both tomorrow. : )
Great idea.Â
It brings me to days when I was in the Reserve military, and away during the summer for training. We were having our boil-in-a-pouch meals when we were looking at the boxes they came in – they were a bit bigger in size than a large postcard, the cardboard was about twice as thick, and had the name of the entree printed on them. We’d tear off the front, write on the blank back, address and stamp it and let our loved ones know that we were thinking of them while eating our pouch of “Meatballs and Gravy” or “Ham Omelet”. Also, being Canadian, the entree name would also be there in French, in case someone wanted to write to a Francophone relative.
Take care.
Great idea.Â
It brings me to days when I was in the Reserve military, and away during the summer for training. We were having our boil-in-a-pouch meals when we were looking at the boxes they came in – they were a bit bigger in size than a large postcard, the cardboard was about twice as thick, and had the name of the entree printed on them. We’d tear off the front, write on the blank back, address and stamp it and let our loved ones know that we were thinking of them while eating our pouch of “Meatballs and Gravy” or “Ham Omelet”. Also, being Canadian, the entree name would also be there in French, in case someone wanted to write to a Francophone relative.
Take care.
That is a fabulous story.
I am a little late to this party, but I think it’s a great idea!Â
What a wonderful idea. I miss when I used to write my multipl pen pals in Hongkong, Ireland and Finland. There is just something about holding someone else’s words scribbled on thin PAR AVION paper, knowing they came from a distant place. Great idea!
I fell in love with this idea when I saw the badge on your blog….I do have to adapt it a bit since its the 11th of February and I didn’t get started on the first. Â
I mailed my first letter today. Â It is to my friend Becky whose mother has recently been placed on hospice. Â Each day Becky comes home from work, changes clothes and begins the labor of love of visiting her mother, feeding her, playing cards and watch her struggle to breathe. Â At the very least, now she will come home to a card in the mailbox letting her know that I have thought about her that day and hope for a moment, she can feel something different that what has captured her mind for the past year.
It is my intention to continue this through her passing and beyond. Â Thank you so much on bringing this personal and wonderful form of communication back into my life.
I fell in love with this idea when I saw the badge on your blog….I do have to adapt it a bit since its the 11th of February and I didn’t get started on the first. Â
I mailed my first letter today. Â It is to my friend Becky whose mother has recently been placed on hospice. Â Each day Becky comes home from work, changes clothes and begins the labor of love of visiting her mother, feeding her, playing cards and watch her struggle to breathe. Â At the very least, now she will come home to a card in the mailbox letting her know that I have thought about her that day and hope for a moment, she can feel something different that what has captured her mind for the past year.
It is my intention to continue this through her passing and beyond. Â Thank you so much on bringing this personal and wonderful form of communication back into my life.
I fell in love with this idea when I saw the badge on your blog….I do have to adapt it a bit since its the 11th of February and I didn’t get started on the first. Â
I mailed my first letter today. Â It is to my friend Becky whose mother has recently been placed on hospice. Â Each day Becky comes home from work, changes clothes and begins the labor of love of visiting her mother, feeding her, playing cards and watch her struggle to breathe. Â At the very least, now she will come home to a card in the mailbox letting her know that I have thought about her that day and hope for a moment, she can feel something different that what has captured her mind for the past year.
It is my intention to continue this through her passing and beyond. Â Thank you so much on bringing this personal and wonderful form of communication back into my life.
I fell in love with this idea when I saw the badge on your blog….I do have to adapt it a bit since its the 11th of February and I didn’t get started on the first. Â
I mailed my first letter today. Â It is to my friend Becky whose mother has recently been placed on hospice. Â Each day Becky comes home from work, changes clothes and begins the labor of love of visiting her mother, feeding her, playing cards and watch her struggle to breathe. Â At the very least, now she will come home to a card in the mailbox letting her know that I have thought about her that day and hope for a moment, she can feel something different that what has captured her mind for the past year.
It is my intention to continue this through her passing and beyond. Â Thank you so much on bringing this personal and wonderful form of communication back into my life.
Alittle late in the game but I write and mail cards and letters every week please email me [email protected] and send me some letter love and friend me too
Alittle late in the game but I write and mail cards and letters every week please email me [email protected] and send me some letter love and friend me too
Alittle late in the game but I write and mail cards and letters every week please email me [email protected] and send me some letter love and friend me too
Alittle late in the game but I write and mail cards and letters every week please email me [email protected] and send me some letter love and friend me too
This is fabulous! I like writing and I agree that when you slow things down the quality of the writing is vastly improved. I’m going to unplug more frequently.
This is fabulous! I like writing and I agree that when you slow things down the quality of the writing is vastly improved. I’m going to unplug more frequently.
Hurrah! Although, I don’t think that writing slowly necessarily begets better writing. I do think the style changes, but I don’t think there is a causal link between speed and quality.
Hurrah! Although, I don’t think that writing slowly necessarily begets better writing. I do think the style changes, but I don’t think there is a causal link between speed and quality.
18 for 18! Check
Oops — 18 for 18! Check out the image, below! Yee-hah!
I’ve been taking the challenge all month and not looking forward to the end! It’s been fun (as I just couldn’t send a simple letter) but I know I won’t be able to keep up without the “challenge” incentive. Since you have a website for the Month of Letters now, how about another similar challenge later in the year?
I’ve been taking the challenge all month and not looking forward to the end! It’s been fun (as I just couldn’t send a simple letter) but I know I won’t be able to keep up without the “challenge” incentive. Since you have a website for the Month of Letters now, how about another similar challenge later in the year?
I’ve been taking the challenge all month and not looking forward to the end! It’s been fun (as I just couldn’t send a simple letter) but I know I won’t be able to keep up without the “challenge” incentive. Since you have a website for the Month of Letters now, how about another similar challenge later in the year?
I’ve been taking the challenge all month and not looking forward to the end! It’s been fun (as I just couldn’t send a simple letter) but I know I won’t be able to keep up without the “challenge” incentive. Since you have a website for the Month of Letters now, how about another similar challenge later in the year?
Hi Tim,
I’m going to do this again next February. During the intervening months, allow me to recommend 52 Weeks of Mail. https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofmail
Verdammt. Wish I’d heard about this in January.
Well done!
Well, I’ve done my month o’ mailings. Have to be honest – didn’t mail anything the last two weekdays of February, but it was interesting how people responded getting “mail” instead of “e-mail” from me. I even had a chance to re-connect with folks I hadn’t seen for ~20 years from school.
Interesting experiment. I will definitely will be sending more snail mail in the future (even if not daily).
Well done, Mary!
What a great idea! I’m going to write a letter or a card everyday from March 10 to April 10! I remember how much I enjoyed getting letters through the post before I got a computer. I was even a great letter writer too!
What a great idea! I’m going to write a letter or a card everyday from March 10 to April 10! I remember how much I enjoyed getting letters through the post before I got a computer. I was even a great letter writer too!
What a great idea! I’m going to write a letter or a card everyday from March 10 to April 10! I remember how much I enjoyed getting letters through the post before I got a computer. I was even a great letter writer too!
What a great idea! I’m going to write a letter or a card everyday from March 10 to April 10! I remember how much I enjoyed getting letters through the post before I got a computer. I was even a great letter writer too!
What a great idea! I’m going to write a letter or a card everyday from March 10 to April 10! I remember how much I enjoyed getting letters through the post before I got a computer. I was even a great letter writer too!
I would love to post this on my site (with link back, of course) and run it during May. May I!